Sometimes we need exactly the opposite of what we crave
All forms of unconditionality travel with grace
Innuendoes are truths without courage
Listen inward for it is there the truth resides
Hidden treasures lie just beneath our belief that we don't have any
You have the power to change your life right now.
We can only imagine what we can conceive is possible. Everything is.
Complexity is merely an entanglement of simplicities
Draw upon the infinite to define life
We must mind our own spiritual business
You may not give away that which you have not yet owned.
Beyond understanding and its limitations is fullness of knowing.
A fire in the heart releases the dam of drowning perspectives
Ignorance is resistance to expansion of self
Even the concern that all is not perfect creates imperfection.
To take denotes possession. To receive denotes a gift
Gratitude is the fuel for the vehicle of our creative process
Honesty to self translates to truth in all directions
Twisted emotions are nothing more than resistance tied up in knots
Infinite possibilities await the moment that we conceive them.
Change forces choice but change is a choice.
All is not lost as long as we are looking for it
It is much easier to act from Faith than Fear.
The only truth in powerlessness is in the perception of it.
Time does not exist without our participation to define it
Our greatest victory is the defeat of our fear
To feel complete is to realize that nothing is missing
Time is of the essence means what we do with it matters most
To need is to deny that you could have already received
What is wise we do not learn, we become
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.