Excellence comes when there is no consideration for anything less
What is wild may not be really, instead just free of self imposed encumbrances
Completion is not to be grieved, but instead celebrated as a gateway to what comes
Deep love can only be experienced by an undefended heart
Lack of trust is inner injury crying to be healed
what one does not experience one does not benefit from.
Evidence is not necessary to prove truth. Truth is.
Being satisfied means letting go of perceptions of lack
Peace only reigns when our inner battles cease
To believe requires evidence. Faith requires nothing.
To need is to deny that you could have already received
The difference between fantasy and reality is whether or not you act
Seek and you shall find… what was there all along
One oops is worth a thousand laughs or a lifetime of regret - our choice
Nothing can be created that doesn't already exist on some level of imagination
Stillness only comes when we stop running from ourselves
Being thankful is great but having gratitude is whole
When we observe beauty and it touches us, we have found the same in ourselves
The true transition is life on earth. The rest is forever.
Elimination of what doesn't fit leaves room in the heart for what does
Asking indicates that you do not believe in what you intend.
Shame is other people’s way of keeping you limited
A little chaos now and then serves to shake us out of our comfortable discomfort
Gratitude is the grease that keeps the wheel of good fortune turning
We don't have to achieve anything to be perfect, our perfection is inherent.
All change begins with a single shift in perception
There are no impossibilities and our options are limitless.
It is from our own sense of value that all other worth comes
Complexity is merely an entanglement of simplicities
The only way a door will open is if we walk toward it and turn the handle
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.