Listen inward for it is there the truth resides
All is not lost as long as we are looking for it
A prayer is only as powerful as the passion behind it
Yes is a magic word (and so is No)
What if we realized that we are already what we were trying to be?
It isn't how far you come, but where you are now. 
We usually recognize eloquence when the words spoken carry truth
Integrity is far more than telling the truth. It is living it.
What we cannot help may not be ours to fix
Truth to some is what they believe. Real truth is what they know.
Fear is paralysis of one’s natural progression
Others will treat you only as you treat yourself
Expectations are disappointments smothered in secret desires
Frustration is our resistance to consider an alternative path
What is the truth except what we make it
Indecision is the same as no decision at all
An edited life isn't much fun. Live largely.
How hard we work trying to fix things that aren't broken!
Peace is only found when we no longer have the need to fight
L. I. F. E. Living intentionally for Excellence
Greatness often doesn't recognize itself, it just is
As one knows ones self one will know all others.
Indecision is the best action to assure nothing will happen
True Mastery does not need to be advertised. It just is.
Coincidence is merely a truth knocking at your consciousness.
Stillness is movement at rest
Fear is the cause of failure
Free. Will. No one is giving it away, we already have it.
Where is your attention? Wherever it is so is your power.
It is much easier to act from Faith than Fear.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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