Our greatest resource is that we have an unlimited imagination. Look beyond what you know is possible and believe in the impossible!
To truly give a gift is to have no need of experiencing the recipient’s satisfaction. The true satisfaction is in having done the deed.
Focusing on the process does not create reality. Believing heart mind and soul that the outcome has already happened does
Empowerment comes from the inside then our actions reflect it. It is no one's to take and can't really be given away. It is perception of self
Fear is as if you have leaned into the future or the past looking for reasons why life won’t be as you want it.
When we give ourselves and our power away we literally invest in the future of someone else. Why not invest in our own futures?
Sometimes when we are caught in the illusion, the greatest destructive forces are hidden in the most joyous of experiences
Elegance has many faces and one of them is yours as a being of creation, not only created of light, but reflecting it
No one can give us freedom. If freedom seems to come from outside of us, what appears to be freedom may be the door to a cage that locks behind us.
Frustration is only a doorway to new and different possibilities. Once we get our foot out of the way the door opens easily.
The truth can only be recognized as its fullest potential as the message is received in its purest form. Hindsight is always colored with opinions.
Sometimes a thought does not need to be expressed but instead let go into the ethers, as its pure form is greater than a thousand words
Who are we if not the greatest expression of ourselves? A story that has an indefinite ending. As ourselves, the possibilities are infinite!
If you want a relationship of any depth, you must first be willing to let go of what was so that there is room for what can be
All great things come from those who dream and then act upon it. Disappointment and failure come from those who dream and then do little or nothing
An ending may seem a forever loss but the truth is that it is only a completion so that there is room for something new and different
The only thing that keeps human beings from experiencing their perfection on earth is their perception that they are anything less.
When we minimize our experiences we are saying one of two things: either we aren't worth it or we don't know how to deal with it. Live largely!
Who you are is determined through your experiences; how you are is determined by how you choose to interpret them
Sometimes having too much good sense is restrictive. Do something impulsive today and don't worry about the consequences
Even when we think all is lost, there comes a little glimmer of confirmation that we are indeed on the right track
The difference between night and day is the position of the sun. We are our own sun. Where are we? Now or some other place?
Waiting for life to come to us through a closed door can be an eternity; first we have to open it and then be willing to walk through
The perception of less than is a killer of human spirit, a cancerous untruth that eats away at the integrity of humanity.
Opinion is not truth it is the beginning of degradation of one’s sense of perfection and therefore the soaring of one’s spirit in human form. .
Greatness is not determined by the world, but by a courageous choice made in a singular moment that changes the outcome forever
How one convinces one’s self that a perception is true has everything to do with the reality that becomes the truth which is perceived.
Our abilities aren't comparable; they are a package of forward expression that are our unique gift to ourselves and the world
Wanting something too badly compresses the energy of the one who desires until the wanted thing cannot possibly exist.
Grass is beautiful when it grows upon the earth but when it grows around our feet for too long we can't move. Embrace life today!
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.