A lifetime only seems that way when we are looking for what we think we don't have
Fear is a version of insanity for it is in no way based in reality
To heal one’s self takes more than just believing. It takes knowing that it is done.
Your children remember their perfection. Anything contrary to that they learn from those around them.
The core of any situation or experience is in the center of feeling it
Who are we without the mirrors of each other? Only we know who is behind the mask.
What you know is truth. What you remember is the extension of that truth beyond measurable limits.
The answers come only when we ask the right questions; and, it is our right to ask them!
What is chaos but a thunderstorm washing everything to clarity?
We cannot discover anything new until we accept that it is possible.
Excellence is subjective. All we need to do is the best we can do to achieve ours.
When we "handle" things, we interfere with their natural unfolding
What if the impossible were just a bunch of possibilities entangled?
In our seriousness we are so rumpled up that the smiles can't move. Let go and laugh out loud
The problem with expectations is that no one but us knows what they are
How much depth we experience in life depends entirely upon how deep we are willing to go
Our logical brains are chronic liars. Only our consciousness knows for sure
To unravel the mysteries you must simply accept that they exist
In the Light there are no shadows to hide behind only brilliant truth
When you create from anything outside of yourself you become a victim of our own creative process.
What we defend about ourselves was never real in the first place
Power is a perception that is (unfortunately) more often applied to others than to self
Necessity is relative to need but consider the fact that the need may or may not be real
Not everything needs to be answered but all things must be lived
Being spoiled means looking externally for the gratification we have forgotten how to give ourselves
What is beautiful in the world is a reflection of your heart shining back at you
Innocence is not ignorance; it is about seeing clearly and purely with the eyes of the heart.
There is no real meaning in words, only in the spaces between them.
We can express peace as a sentiment or we can embody it as a way of life
Often what feels ominous to us is simply something we can't comprehend
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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