Kyrie to all nations
Passion is love in action
Abundance begins with value of self.
Joy is a choice
Your body does exactly as it is told
Bliss does not have to be relative
Create more than you use
What is wise we do not learn, we become
Resonance does not come from resistance
One cannot do what one does not.
We must mind our own spiritual business
To trust means not to be afraid
Denial means never having to say I AM
We cannot be filled unless we are full
Don’t react; Choose
Time is a control issue.
Wherever you go there you are
Ecstasy is us unbridled
Whatever is not perfect is not truth
Yes is a magic word (and so is No)
Magic only happens when we let it
Expectation limits outcomes
Stillness is movement at rest
Innuendoes are truths without courage
One criticism can undo a thousand kudos
Meanness is a method for controlling
Wherever we go there we are
Ease: Not struggling
Tolerance is overrated
Benevolence is not for self gain
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.