Empowerment comes from the inside then our actions reflect it. It is no one's to take and can't really be given away. It is perception of self
Conflicts cannot be resolved until the real root of the disagreement is recognized and both parties are willing to acknowledge it.
Who are we if not the greatest expression of ourselves? A story that has an indefinite ending. As ourselves, the possibilities are infinite!
Our Purpose isn’t a singular achievement, in fact, not an achievement at all. It is the totality of every moment that we live and breathe
Satisfaction is a platform for expansion. If we are constantly looking for something better we are never satisfied and therefore remain in need.
Success has everything to do with outcomes and little to do with the process. It takes a vision, action and complete faith that the vision is already a reality.
What we fear we say we don't like. What we don't like we avoid. So we are always afraid of what we fear. Try something new today.
What is deemed reasonable can often be considered as madness because it is usually based on someone else's rationale for their convenience!
Do not regret what was, be empowered by what IS no matter how it looks in this moment there is much to be gained only ever this now
The only thing that keeps human beings from experiencing their perfection on earth is their perception that they are anything less.
The truth can only be recognized as its fullest potential as the message is received in its purest form. Hindsight is always colored with opinions.
When something is out of truth, our bodies tell us before anything else does. We tense, hold our breath, feel it in our solar plexus. Maybe we should listen
What if we lived from the perspective that we are whole and well, perfect in every way instead of having a life to heal? If we believe we are broken then we are.
When we don't allow ourselves to receive, we not only deprive ourselves, we take away the joy others would have had in the giving.
When we give ourselves and our power away we literally invest in the future of someone else. Why not invest in our own futures?
To speak our truth is to cease living silently. When we practice the art of living out loud the power within us rises beautifully for all to embrace.
No amount of mentality or cyclic thinking leads to truth. Resolution is only an illusion for satisfaction of the ego and truth cannot be limited by definition
A problem is much smaller when dealt with immediately. The longer we go without addressing them, the bigger our problems become
What is infinite is everything we have not defined. Within that infinite resides all of the possibilities that we had missed by our defining
An uphill climb is only hard when you keep looking up to see how far you have to go... Watch your feet. They will carry you with grace and ease.
There are no mistakes, only opportunities to become aware, change direction, or learn to depths that we might have previously avoided
Our possibilities are infinite when we don't need to define them. Defined, the outcome can only fall within a narrow scope of success.
The difference between night and day is the position of the sun. We are our own sun. Where are we? Now or some other place?
Free will is having the ability to choose in the moment knowing that each choice leads to endless possibilities for more choosing.
If we live to work, we are consumed. If we work to live, the quality of our lives becomes much greater and work is no longer our primary goal.
Our destiny isn't written in concrete, it is chosen by us one moment at a time. It is we who do not choose who remain mired in inflexibility and malcontent
Rise out of your internal distractions and don't just look, see into the hearts of those around you. They are reflections of you
If we imagine it and believe it to be so, the reality already exists and there will be a moment in time when we and our reality intersect
Illness is not some separate enemy to conquer, but rather part of a physical experience. That being said, we cannot lot go of what we have not yet owned...
Envy is a poison that devours our ability to realize that we could have had what others have if only we had put our energy into attaining it.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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