What is the truth except what we make it
Frustration can lead to simple brilliance
Fear isn't a reality it is a what if
Denial means never having to say I AM
Time does not exist without our participation to define it
To be fortunate is to be willing to do so
Peace of mind only requires letting it happen
what one does not experience one does not benefit from.
Lack of trust is inner injury crying to be healed
The sacrifices we make are usually about someone else
Time is a control issue.
Better to deal once now than a lifetime of maybe laters
Resonance does not come from resistance
Recognize the value of your value.
It is much easier to act from Faith than Fear.
Your passion is what you love, not a goal to achieve
Resistance means always having to wonder if only...
The ultimate satisfaction is not needing to be satisfied
Becoming spiritual isn’t a doing it is a being
Brilliance is not of the mind it is of the light
Seek and you shall find… what was there all along
Honesty to self translates to truth in all directions
Bliss does not have to be relative
No challenge can be a success without effort
Indecision is the best action to assure nothing will happen
Questions cannot be answered until we live them
We are fully adaptable except for our resistance
Spiritually we don't grow, we remember
Living is an art form ~ Express yourself!
How hard we work trying to fix things that aren't broken!
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.