That which you seek also seeks you
Stillness is movement at rest
Spiritually we don't grow, we remember
Listen deeply beyond the words and into the truth
Our Spirit is Mighty. Our Enemy is our Fear.
Innocence does not allow for cynicism
It isn't how far you come, but where you are now. 
You have the power to change your life right now.
Reason is subjective
Fear isn't a reality it is a what if
Seek and you shall find… what was there all along
Guilt is never having said you are sorry
How we react to others is no one else’s fault
All that is missing is what we have not accepted
More often than not wisdom is found in silence
Denial means never having to say I AM
You can prove your point by not needing to
You are already perfect. To know this is perfection
Complexity is merely an entanglement of simplicities
We are fully adaptable except for our resistance
The value of what we hold onto is questionable
We must mind our own spiritual business
We are filled by our own grace, never that of another
Being thankful is great but having gratitude is whole
Benevolence is not for self gain
Life only happens when we move our feet
Becoming spiritual isn’t a doing it is a being
Our greatest victory is the defeat of our fear
An expectation is a disappointment waiting to happen
Magic only happens when we let it
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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