Fear is as if you have leaned into the future or the past looking for reasons why life won’t be as you want it.
True greatness comes not from the opinions of others, it comes from the courage to be or do whatever a moment requires
You are defined only by the variations of truth that you tell yourself not by anyone or anything else.
Sometimes, what we believe to be wisdom is just our way to make someone else responsible for our direction
If we live within reason then we never experience why it was instilled upon us in the first place
Life is not a single note or event that marks your value; it is a continuous melody that weaves the timeless symphony of your soul
A problem is much smaller when dealt with immediately. The longer we go without addressing them, the bigger our problems become
Normal is a perception which is part of our every day illusion. Beyond that are infinite journeys outside of the box
Be still and listen inwardly for there is our core truth. What we hear externally seeks to convince us otherwise
Rise out of your internal distractions and don't just look, see into the hearts of those around you. They are reflections of you
The difference between night and day is the position of the sun. We are our own sun. Where are we? Now or some other place?
If you want a relationship of any depth, you must first be willing to let go of what was so that there is room for what can be
Our secret desires need not be secret. It is better to live them loudly than to always wonder why we didn’t
Paradox: When two opposites clash with no apparent solution or compromise. Is the battle worth the effort?
What frustrates us is either telling us that what we are pushing against nature or that there is a different path to take
You have the power to change your world to create whatever reality that you choose. Right Now.
It is only to acknowledge that which is the self in such a way that one can become free of all others.
That we are infinite beings, perfect in every way is unquestionable; that we seem to need to find fault with ourselves is
We can't truly connect with each other until our defenses are out of the way and we act authentically
When the harmony of truth is stretched and then limited in its resonance it is no longer truth and dysharmony of illusion reigns.
Infinite possibilities await you today and the only thing you need to take advantage of them is to notice
The perception of less than is a killer of human spirit, a cancerous untruth that eats away at the integrity of humanity.
Free will is having the ability to choose in the moment knowing that each choice leads to endless possibilities for more choosing.
The best of being comes from our being our best at being not from waiting for someone else to tell us how to be
Your children remember their perfection. Anything contrary to that they learn from those around them.
When we criticize, it is only because someone has mirrored to us something that we have chosen not to recognize
Anger is not usually about what is happening in a certain moment but what we couldn't help in moments past.
Generally speaking, our greatest difficulties come with not realizing the difference or sameness between us and the Divine.
Anytime we say “I can’t” we have forgotten that we have free will to choose anything and everything
Completion. What have you left undone? What loose strings dangle before you, stressing you? Finish them and relish in your freedom
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.