Smudge fans are used to spread the energy of smke durng ceremonies and clearing people places or things. Without the breath of the smudge fan, the purification fire would wuickly butrn out. This is a symbiosis of what burns away, what fuels that process adn further, what comes of it. All purificaton is a beautiful thing if done with a full heart and no preconceptions o the mind that might alter the purity of the conversation between the smoke and the fire. Like many of the objects I have written about in the web store, there is a symbiotic relationship between the can and the fire. Each feeds off of the other, using each other and yet, there is a moent of copletion when all is cleared away and what is left is clarity, light, cleanness of body, ind sirit and soul, and nothing dark remains. That is still balance.
These are most likely commercially made but when vlsed to their taaks can be just as powerfull or sweet as one that is hand made ny someone who knows their ins and outs. They will be terrific starter fans for nearly anyone. Beaded medallion at the heart of the fan, the freathers are in black and white, some fringe. Only a couple of these left.