Answers are filled with questions waiting to be asked. They satisfy the mind but the heart already knows
We are not what we do. in any given moment we are the perfect expression of our life's work.
Sometimes having too much good sense is restrictive. Do something impulsive today and don't worry about the consequences
Things don't just happen. For every action there is a reaction. We have to do our part toward the intended outcome.
Having experience doesn't make us wise or smart it is what we do with the experience that does
We become satisfied when we stop looking for what we think we need and become grateful for what is ours
What frustrates us is either telling us that what we are pushing against nature or that there is a different path to take
Our secret desires need not be secret. It is better to live them loudly than to always wonder why we didn’t
Good directions are only a suggestion. Choosing via free will determines the final route
Mastery only comes when we no longer have anything to defend, control, criticize or judge...including ourselves!
Knowledge, even when tempered by wisdom is still nothing more than an exercise for the mind
Human nature can be puzzling. It is not how one fits but how one perceives that they fit.
What we choose we have chosen but that doesn't mean we are stuck with it because there are no limits or restrictions...
Our past experiences can be our greatest asset or our worst nightmare. It is our choice.
It is our fear that creates what exactly what we didn't want but accept as inevitable.
Letting go doesn’t mean doing without it means letting to of the things we really want
You do not have to give yourself permission to be who you are. You must simply accept that you are.
There are many ways to bleed. It is those injuries we can't see that often fester unattended.
Fear is as if you have leaned into the future or the past looking for reasons why life won’t be as you want it.
Your true identity is determined not by the perceptions of others, but who you believe you are.
Satisfaction only happens when we are willing to accept what it takes to be fulfilled
One cannot be gentle to others without reserve unless one has first learned to be gentle with one's self
It is easier to go with the flow and allow things to unfold than to restrict your experience via expectations.
Focusing on the process does not create reality. Believing heart mind and soul that the outcome has already happened does
We can only give what we have learned to receive; otherwise all we are giving is an illusion of false value to ourselves.
We are impressive beings limited only by our own perceptions. Think outside of the safe zone.
There is magic in every aspect of nature. Once realized, nothing is impossible except impossibility
Sometimes, what we believe to be wisdom is just our way to make someone else responsible for our direction
And if being is living, and living is a state of consciousness, then being consciously alive is simple.
What is really amazing is that we have the capability to be amazed! With that, life is always new and exciting!
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.