To be open does not mean to be raw and exposed, it means to be an authentic vessel willing to receive whatever gifts life has to offer
Focusing on the process does not create reality. Believing heart mind and soul that the outcome has already happened does
The difference between night and day is the position of the sun. We are our own sun. Where are we? Now or some other place?
What is infinite is everything we have not defined. Within that infinite resides all of the possibilities that we had missed by our defining
Our Purpose isn’t a singular achievement, in fact, not an achievement at all. It is the totality of every moment that we live and breathe
All great things come from those who dream and then act upon it. Disappointment and failure come from those who dream and then do little or nothing
Envy is a poison that devours our ability to realize that we could have had what others have if only we had put our energy into attaining it.
The elegance of creation is expressed as each one of us. The darker side of creation is revealed when we don’t believe it.
Aggression comes from limited perception that becomes so single minded that no other reality is possible in that now
An ending may seem a forever loss but the truth is that it is only a completion so that there is room for something new and different
Abundance is value. If we don't give ourselves the value we deserve, neither do we give ourselves the abundance we so desire
Things don't just happen. For every action there is a reaction. We have to do our part toward the intended outcome.
We can only give what we have learned to receive; otherwise all we are giving is an illusion of false value to ourselves.
Normal is a perception which is part of our every day illusion. Beyond that are infinite journeys outside of the box
There are no mistakes, only opportunities to become aware, change direction, or learn to depths that we might have previously avoided
Our possibilities are infinite when we don't need to define them. Defined, the outcome can only fall within a narrow scope of success.
True elegance begins with the miracle of us then propagates with the miracles of our lives. We are beautiful beings.
How we feel, how we react and respond, in fact who we are inside of ourselves is always our choice. No one but us makes us anything.
Generally speaking, our greatest difficulties come with not realizing the difference or sameness between us and the Divine.
Our abilities aren't comparable; they are a package of forward expression that are our unique gift to ourselves and the world
Constancy refers to the fact that no matter what we do, or what others do, life goes on and it is all small stuff in relation to the totality of the One
Ease and Grace come only with willingness and participation in one's own state of being. No one else can give us that.
Who are we if not the greatest expression of ourselves? A story that has an indefinite ending. As ourselves, the possibilities are infinite!
Carrying needless history within us only serves to keep us earthbound. If we wish to soar throughout the heavens, we must rid ourselves of all ballast.
True greatness comes not from the opinions of others, it comes from the courage to be or do whatever a moment requires
Satisfaction is a platform for expansion. If we are constantly looking for something better we are never satisfied and therefore remain in need.
Grass is beautiful when it grows upon the earth but when it grows around our feet for too long we can't move. Embrace life today!
Words mean nothing when used only to fill silence. They mean little else the rest of the time. It is what is behind them that really matters.
What if our awakening gifts weren't gifts at all but who we have always been? That being the case, weird is normal!
That we are infinite beings, perfect in every way is unquestionable; that we seem to need to find fault with ourselves is
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.