Our logical brains are chronic liars. Only our consciousness knows for sure
Sometimes just "winging it" works far better than all the best laid plans
Twisted emotions are nothing more than resistance tied up in knots
Self judgment is our way of delaying recognition of our best attributes
The only way to battle untruth is with unequivocal truth
Letting go doesn’t mean doing without it means letting to of the things we really want
Discernment allows for clarification of fact over illusion
The only truth in powerlessness is in the perception of it.
Having experience doesn't make us wise or smart it is what we do with the experience that does
Money is Value. When we value ourselves the money will come.
Recognizing and admitting to dysfunction is 80% of the cure
Imagination has no boundaries except those which you instill.
Gratitude is the fuel for the vehicle of our creative process
The immensity of everything is only as big as we make it
When we feel insignificant it is because we haven't recognized ourselves
We are everything that we believe and nothing that we are told.
Perfection is always present; it is our perception that determines it.
What is known and unknown is all the same. It is how you see it that makes the difference.
Regret means never having said you are sorry. Speak now or carry it forever.
We usually recognize eloquence when the words spoken carry truth
Sometimes what didn’t happen is a greater success than what did
Patience is not a virtue when it is used as an excuse for not acting on our own behalf
Power is a perception that is (unfortunately) more often applied to others than to self
The intensity and satisfaction of our experiences depends upon our willingness to have them
Truth to some is what they believe. Real truth is what they know.
Satisfaction only happens when we are willing to accept what it takes to be fulfilled
True Mastery does not need to be advertised. It just is.
In the Light there are no shadows to hide behind only brilliant truth
Excellence comes when there is no consideration for anything less
Every problem has a solution that is not found in complexity but by going back to basics
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.