Expectations lead only to limitation. Be open to the infinite possibilities that creation has to offer!
Submission. When we give in to what we don't want we get what we don't want and then some. Speak your truth.
Peace requires broader perceptions in order for the infinite possibilities available to override the need to fight.
Ignorance propagates illusion, destroys personal power and fools no one except those who choose it
Anger is not usually about what is happening in a certain moment but what we couldn't help in moments past.
We are most fulfilled when we recognize our own successes and don't depend upon anyone else to recognize them for us
Trying is not doing anything. Trying is saying failure before you have even started. Why not just do?
When the divine meets the imperfection of being in human form, there is inherent conflict even in existing.
Complicated situations are nothing more than a bundle of simplicities lost in the shuffle
Nothing is a simple matter of fact. There are always unseen, unknown aspects to every situation.
Where is our passion but in our heart of hearts, ready to explode into love in action?
Patience may often be a virtue but sometimes it is an excuse for not acting on something when we could have
Necessity is relative to need but consider the fact that the need may or may not be real
We are impressive beings limited only by our own perceptions. Think outside of the safe zone.
How much depth we experience in life depends entirely upon how deep we are willing to go
Your life purpose isn’t a singular event for you to achieve; rather, every moment that you exist and how you live it
Aggression comes from limited perception that becomes so single minded that no other reality is possible in that now
Stagnancy occurs when we wait for life to come to us. We can only experience life if we participate
Things don't just happen. For every action there is a reaction. We have to do our part toward the intended outcome.
The intensity and satisfaction of our experiences depends upon our willingness to have them
No thing has meaning until we notice it. Then, the meaning is determined by our noticing
Power is a perception that is (unfortunately) more often applied to others than to self
Gratitude creates an energy exchange that changes our experience from taking to receiving
The greatest light isn't always the brightest one, but one that is constantly, subtly lit no matter what
We become satisfied when we stop looking for what we think we need and become grateful for what is ours
Normal is a perception which is part of our every day illusion. Beyond that are infinite journeys outside of the box
Innocence is not ignorance; it is about seeing clearly and purely with the eyes of the heart.
What frustrates us is either telling us that what we are pushing against nature or that there is a different path to take
If you could change your life from this moment forward to be anything that you desire, what would be different from now?
When we feel we must dominate another, the only real relationship we are having is with ourselves
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.