It is only when we leap without a parachute or net below that we finally find our wings…and…fly.
Every problem has a solution that is not found in complexity but by going back to basics
Some disasters are just doors slamming firmly shut so that we can look toward something different
Innocence is not ignorance; it is about seeing clearly and purely with the eyes of the heart.
Your children remember their perfection. Anything contrary to that they learn from those around them.
What is really amazing is that we have the capability to be amazed! With that, life is always new and exciting!
When you create from anything outside of yourself you become a victim of our own creative process.
Inspiration comes from considering new and different possibilities. If we believe we are stuck then we will be.
Being spoiled means looking externally for the gratification we have forgotten how to give ourselves
The greatest light isn't always the brightest one, but one that is constantly, subtly lit no matter what
Wanting something too badly compresses the energy of the one who desires until the wanted thing cannot possibly exist.
When the divine meets the imperfection of being in human form, there is inherent conflict even in existing.
If we live within reason then we never experience why it was instilled upon us in the first place
Anticipation is a wonderful thing as long as what is anticipated has no expectations tangled up with it!
Trying is not doing anything. Trying is saying failure before you have even started. Why not just do?
Who are we without the mirrors of each other? Only we know who is behind the mask.
We can blame whomever whenever but ultimately the diligence was to have been ours
In our seriousness we are so rumpled up that the smiles can't move. Let go and laugh out loud
When we criticize, it is only because someone has mirrored to us something that we have chosen not to recognize
Tension is an indication of untruth. Ours internally, or ours in reaction to something externally, but always ours.
Saving something for a special later keeps us from the realization that now is special too.
One cannot be gentle to others without reserve unless one has first learned to be gentle with one's self
Miracles are those events which we believe to be impossible. Believe in their possibility and they become commonplace
The need of the ego to falsely define greatness comes from its learned sense of insignificance
If we were books what would be our content? Would our stories make sense? Do they?
The best of being comes from our being our best at being not from waiting for someone else to tell us how to be
Paradox: When two opposites clash with no apparent solution or compromise. Is the battle worth the effort?
Your life purpose isn’t a singular event for you to achieve; rather, every moment that you exist and how you live it
Lightening takes place on both ends of the storm. There is always stillness at the center.
What we choose we have chosen but that doesn't mean we are stuck with it because there are no limits or restrictions...
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.