We can only give away what we have owned
Our dreams remain dreams until we choose to live them
To feel complete is to realize that nothing is missing
Ignorance is resistance to expansion of self
Genuine = Truth to self first
Fear is the cause of failure
Being reasonable can be the most unreasonable thing to do
Sometimes we need exactly the opposite of what we crave
It isn't how far you come, but where you are now. 
To win means to disappoint someone else.
Brilliance is not of the mind it is of the light
Life is the stairway to Light.
Seek and you shall find… what was there all along
The sweetness of life has many flavors. Try them all
The harmonies of life create a symphony of experience.
Faith is the fuel for perfect completion of any intention
Manifestation is clarity of intent personified
To be fortunate is to be willing to do so
Passion is love in action
Draw upon the infinite to define life
Where is your attention? Wherever it is so is your power.
To belittle is to be little, the child seeking false power
Whatever is not perfect is not truth
We only experience magic when we believe in it
Deep love can only be experienced by an undefended heart
Frustration can lead to simple brilliance
Magic only happens when we let it
When we have our minds on what was, we miss what is
Sometimes we just have to go for it
The ultimate satisfaction is not needing to be satisfied
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.