Online Messages

The Living Light Symbols Everywhere on Everything

Message from Dr. Meg:


Here we go world…The Living Light Symbols everywhere on everything! It’s time to shine!

The Living Light Symbols Art

You know my work and how sacred I hold everything I do. This is the big one. It isn’t a PR gimmick or a quickie holiday thing. It is my life’s work. I have copied below what the Masters have to say about them. I couldn’t have said it better. Keep scrolling!

First, about the symbols:

Beloveds, For over a quarter of a century, I have been experiencing, sharing and using the Living Light Symbols to help others. They have made vast change in my abilities and growth and as always when I know something works, I tell the world. This is likely the most important send I have ever sent. The symbols are considered to be the original language. The language of the Father. And it was written about in ancient texts. I was at a conference in Seattle, and a guy hollered above the crowds “Hey! Hey! I have a message for you! You need to get this book!!!”…? Being a true being of the moment I knew something was afoot. So I went over there. He had no idea why he was giving me what came next, but it was life changing.

The book he so desperately tried to connect me with was the Nag Hammadi Gospels. Never one to question the magic, I ordered the book on the spot. He insisted I get a specific translation and I did ( The Nag Hammadi gospels are a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered in 1945 near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. The texts include previously unknown gospels, epistles, apocalypses, and other religious writings. Some of the texts found in the collection include:

  • The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
  • The Gospel of The Gospel of Thomas
  • The Apocryphon of John
  • The Gospel of Thomas
  • The Gospel of Philip
  • and a whole lot more as I discovered.

The Power Within

Well the book came, and after unwrapping it, I let it fall open. Well of course, it opened to The Gospel of Truth. I stood there stunned to see that over 2000 years ago someone else knew and experienced the symbols. They were described as living things. “The language of the Father”. I was dumfounded…and excited! I wasn’t a nutcase after all!


Writings so vital to humanity that as early Christianity began, the ancient texts were hidden away to be protected until in the early 1940’s many of them were rediscovered in Quam Ran near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. Its processes became part of the anatomy of every human being who encountering them. For more about the Living Light Symbols I did a nice synopsis for you here.

One thing I have learned is that nothing that is Sacred or Blessed can do harm. As I continue to witness the immensity of what the Living Light Symbols has to share, I am more convinced that they need to be introduced into the Earth realm and beyond in much bigger ways than I thought I was humanly capable of ~ at least I thought so. Then a long standing follower emailed me one day to suggest I put the symbols on yoga mats so as the yoga moves their energies, cleansing, clarifying the pathways, the Living Light would have an unobstructed highway of clarity through everyone and everything. I thought it was a spectacular idea and began to consider just how many spaces I could include the Living Light and all its effects. I had never considered just how far the depth and breadth in the way the symbols work.

I have always known that the Living Light is vastly important to our very make up, our health, our connectedness to our source and everything else. And one day, as I was working with the symbols (ok well I think it better stated to say the infinite through the symbols was working with me?), and it hit me. Silly woman why stop there? Why not honor and celebrate all of us? Our efforts, our wisdom, the amazing Grace we are created of and bring the exquisite light into us and expresses of Dr. Masaru Emoto who was able to show the world how our behaviors, even words, can affect outcomes of everything. He did this with ice crystals. Stunning photos and discoveries. He was on a mission to heal the waters of our planet. Not only that, but what the messages brought first to our minds and later into our very being? We are made mostly of water. Silly me, sometimes it might take a minute, but the “aha”ahhhhaasss are so worth it. LOL sometimes it takes us a minute.


What if we could take the principals of the effects of how light transmits and receives heals us on infinite levels? What if we carry that thought even further. WHAT IF the Living Light is more than a language, what if it is a living intelligence that has come to us to cause us to experience the sounds of our souls, creating holograms between us and the infinite. Then to everything everywhere all of the time?




Message from the Masters:


And of course right about now as usual, The Masters pop in ~ They said:

“Everything ever written or described and shared was done so in the context of that time. Your world is digital, visual, fast. Using the symbols as we are speaks them into a world that doesn’t have time to think of them but just by encountering them are forever changed. The symbols become part of everyone who encounters them.

This is the greatest opportunity for your world to reconnect with the sacred. The original language of creation, the Father, whatever name you give to the One, deity or otherwise, Sacred is Sacred. So is humanity. And yourselves. Imagine, a silent conversation that isn’t experienced by talking but instead by becoming the listener and everyone they encounter and those encounter and… well you get our point. This was given. All that is given has much greater purpose than you realize. And from there it grows.

Imagine now that the Living Light Symbols have come into your world to do a massive attunement of all encountered. Imagine that there are no mistakes. The One has brought forth more messages of the infinite and you as well as others who have them inside or out will be carrying source frequencies along with messages from the One everywhere, everyday to everyone. The changes of consciousness will be monumental and exponential. Kind of like a slow but rapidly increasing tune up to bring truth into everyone, everywhere, and it is contagious. 

Energy is intelligent. It knows what is needed and how to get there. Clear, healing energy seeps into every aspect of every soul. Attuning them, bringing the heavens to the earth. We are the living One. We are not only living, we are energetically expressing the words of the heavens. Every one carries vast knowledge from the greatest concept to the tiniest detail. There are no in between’s. They are pure unadulterated messages from your beginning, your now, and what comes. A fork in the road of humanity. 

Which will you choose? No need. You already know the way. Be in peace.”

The Living Light Symbols Art


More About the Symbols From Meg

Some of the designs are parts of series I have in the works. Some are limited editions. I will have children’s shirts out in a few days. And more designs. When you have a team like I have (or am I the master’s team LOL) we can be downright prolific.

When you order, your items are printed and sent to you. I tried so hard to give you more time for Christmas but wow this has been a huge, wonderful, insightful, phenomenal journey. Funds coming in will go toward supporting the project so I can keep the symbols coming. Check back every day. There will be more!

Also, my annual gratitude BOGO sessions sale is on too. You can get there here.

As I said, will be adding more all day long for the next several days. There are tons of new symbols. Be sure to keep checking back every day for a while then regularly adding as the symbols are given. Stay tuned and don’t miss NOW!

That’s it for now. Blessings to each of you. Please share the symbols with everyone everywhere! Wear them proudly. You are light. We are light. OMG

Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD

Annual Gratitude Sale extended to January 15th, 2025

Annual Buy One Get One Free Sessions Expires Mar 15th!

Please help keep the Online Channelings and Messages free to everyone!
Due to the tremendous volume of response to the messages, we have had to greatly increase our technology to keep up. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will assist in meeting the rising costs of the transmissions. Blessings and Gratitude, Meg