Here goes ~
Message from the Masters
(The Whole Picture)
Asha anti ente Aliente Anshallah!
Greetings to each of you!
We bring messages to you from all that is, in lightning parts of you that have been dormant for some time. From all that has been and all that through the infinite can be, we bring to you what may be. Intricately and completely wound throughout you and the All, having merged and melded with your particulates, through and amongst that which is literally the truest voice of the living One, its body. That which is Spirit. All of it. All of it. That which is light.
In addition, we bring expanded energies that are of magnificent harmonies, sets, compounded into the greatest living arrays of possibilities for communication with you. Our language is not like yours. It is unadulterated, pure and is of tones that create harmonic sets that are immeasurable in human or Earth nature. To convey truth, it is most successfully done by light. Light is pure, without form and intricately connected as well as stored in between our words as teachings aren’t directly communicated. Not into or through your brains, perfect areas, but fitting together beautifully, and when certain stimulus or events occur, they rearrange and the reality inside changes.
What is happening to you, with your world?
Your particles and those of One are always the fabric of the greater One are indelibly linked, Lighting the nether regions as much as the central core. Nothing and no one can destroy it. Infinite life. Creation has always flowed beautifully amongst itself, creating, recreating, growing, expanding and in its completeness, has always been form and reform, light and what is dark, there is unyielding, unending balance.
However, in this now, due to current harmonic anomalies, you are indelibly bonded in unusual ways. Your normal connections ~ those of which are intricately woven as described above, are experiencing disturbances. The cosmic balance is exhibiting certain disconnects. New and different connections. It is as if the fabric of reality buckles from the intensity, experiences becoming inflamed, which is what causes the current expansion. More of a stretching to its limits. There is debris in the common field. It interferes with the rhythms that sustain all life. What is. While each has retained their individual natures, there is more. Much more. Disturbance. A paradox.
With the inflammatory events that are in occurrence also resides stasis. No progress now, then and ahead. When One must work so intensely to maintain its wholeness, to release the intensity, the usual communication, constant recreation, all that is happening, does not have enough resources to create only to maintain.
While it is easy for us to be drawn to specific things such as politics, earth, events, weather, and others, it’s important that you realize where and how each of you is a part of the living one. In order to assist you with this, we are going to give you a deep explanation of how and why things happen the way that they do. It’s easy to become fearful when there’s no understanding at all of why things happen or that they do it all. Having this information is our prayer to you to realize you are mighty powerful in the scheme of the infinite as well as delicate sent you to are made of light.
The light you are created of is your unique signifier in all of creation. Typically, harmonic signatures cannot be produced by anything incarnate.
So it becomes a feeling as if you are experiencing electric conduction. In a way you are there is so much happening in every aspect of humanities being it’s nearly impossible to not feel it. The earth and its changes, the events in your world, the biological, mental and emotional experiences may at times feel as if everything is coming unglued. The secret? There never was any glue! It is not. That isn’t to say, however, that it can keep you from sleeping soundly, cause you to lack focus or concentration change how you’re eating usually much less, and every time there’s another event, it just reiterates the intensity of energies in your world. Since the events of all kinds are prevalent, sometimes it feels like it’s hard to get a break. It may feel as if your bodies cannot be still. Sleep is disturbed, communications are misunderstood, motivation lacking, and fear is being felt physically. You are mirroring what is occurring in all of creation.
There are physical changes happening now and there are more to come. Your genetic structures have begun a rhapsody of new and different harmonization. The energies along your DNA strands are beginning to spiral up the ladders rather than one element to another. This brings in spectacular moments, harmony of the ages. Perfect intonation and elevation of harmonies never before present upon Earth nor in any previous version of humanity. ,
You, each of you, we and all beings all realities places, events, acts of every kind do so as living light. Carrying messages energetically emotionally, even biologically. It is a magnificent thing s to behold. Amazing is the view from above ~ one new light may appear, expand, burst, and as fragments looking for instructions as to where to belong. Light. The living language. Within each of your souls are parts and parcels of that which is the light of your source. Of the source of everything. Your signature in all of the heavens and Earth. You, we, all things great and small are created of the divine light, which is first language. The language of the father. And there is more to come. As you evolve your light grows.
Your genetic structures, your DNA specifically, has a new evolution of all of it, everything. All things, is upturning (beginning to be higher frequencies) to match the heavens. No more straight line thinking. No more linear thoughts. So on you will be operating as informed beings of the One. No more hit and miss, which is often the way of humanity. You are becoming. Often with becoming is a case of resistance on deeper levels of human beings there are unfamiliar sensations, often a sense of feeling unsettled. Moments of chaotic thinking and in the physical, a sense everything is too fast. Biological disturbances. Changes in your chemistry, the patterns of your functioning. In how you interpret everything.
The really important thing is that your DNA is learning to express you differently. DNA is living thing. They just made a flight and if you were to split a strand and put one on the other side of earth and one at the place of origin, however, 1/2 responds to any stimuli so will the other exactly. I know our genetic structure is intelligent. Then while it does all of those banal things such as what you look like how you operate, inherited coloration, even habits all of the things that make you you, in the background it is learning absolutely everything and what happens. Next is incredible. What it has learned, your DNA will begin to express you differently. There is an entire science roundness called genetics and so even when your brain cannot comprehend, what is happening create a has your back to speaking current terms in your world your DNA is the original AI. This doesn’t only have to do with your health, how you are expressed in this life, or how you operate, it also has to do with the evolution of you including your environment. how you relate in your world and amongst each other what you need what don’t who you are in every aspect of the term.
Your DNA the entirety of your genetics, is dictating the future of humanity through each of you.
Many of you become entangled as you try to figure out what your purpose is in your world in your life, and the answer is always the same. Every moment that you live in breathe and all of your lives before and after the current one, you are exchanging energy with everyone and everything. Everywhere you go everyone you encounter you leave a bit of you and you pick up a bit of that for them. It’s a continuing unbroken exchange. He entire time that the exchanges are happening, your DNA and that everyone and everything around you is learning things it begins to change toward exhibiting expressions that will later become who you are just happens throughout all of reality all things. It’s a beautiful thing how you were designed because the most important parts of you Are in the background working beautifully like an infinitely choreographed system of harmonies and motion..
Those of you who are able to balance your body, mind and spirits are likely at least somewhat aware of this. The greater part of humanity, though is completely unaware that this is even possible let alone happening, and so they unconsciously repeat what didn’t work the first time. All that does is repeat creation “sure I want more! “ because there is a not a whole lot saying otherwise. This is where the term “stuck” comes in. Nothing it’s changing, and everything has become a habitual replication of the first error that becomes the reality.
When you learn to be more aware, more commanding of your being your experiences, everything around, you begins to change. It becomes so easy to affect change as hard to believe this is true on every level.
Some of the antsy feelings some of you might be feeling are reactive. They are causing and contributing the evolution of your physical nature as physical responses to your beginning new kind of evolution. As biological units, you are often subject to events on levels you never knew existed..anytime changes.happen, so does your biology change and your consciousness functioning is also changing. For the past several years, humanity has been experiencing set backs such as stagnation. Lots of it. Also inability to motivate. Sometimes just to get off the couch, or out the door. And when that happens, humanity may go through periods of lacking, higher awareness, or consciousness instead, lack of motivation just a sense of overall sluggishness may occur. Fortunately it is temporary. And recently due to the signals to begin the new evolution, it’s been the opposite.
To give you a better idea of what we are saying, we wish to describe to you exactly what inter dimensional reality and existence is and is really doing. Also, what it is like in reality. Every dimension in your locale is affected. There are 12 immediate dimensions that directly affect you, sustain you. Each and every dimension is surrounded and protected by 12 more dimensions.. And in each of those are repeating patterns of 12 dimensions ~ 12’s into the infinite. If you were to look into the array it is much like a honeycomb.
Within each dimension there is consciousness unique to all other parts of the One. There is something driving it there, something that is maintaining its reality as well as the immensity of frequencies of new, different and complete. In the upper dimensions, there is no form to being. This is expressed as pure energy, living energy, continual, constantly aware and able to affect whatever witnesses. This is where we come from. In truth we have no bodies, but we are all heart and when we speak with you, we are receiving information relevant to hour messages from all levels of creation. Everything affects everything all of us all that is one. And so, as your earth world and much of humanity is out of balance. These energies are communicating throughout all that is, and because it must, creation responds. How it responds is up to what those of us in other worlds are able to assist you with, and mostly from the choices that humanity makes on its own behalf, every single one of those choices that anyone makes to a greater being communicates, the beauty of who you truly are throughout creation it resonates and we feel you and it’s beautiful.
At the same time, when fear, helplessness, lost or forgotten awareness, and other expressions of being move through creation, more of the same happens. That is because creation is in a always constant state of evolution. Whatever messages it receives from all levels of the one it assumes that everyone and everything 10th wants more of the same. Without a doubt we know as to all the others, that you want something vastly different than what you are currently witnessing in your world. And you can make that happen.
One way that Creation expresses as consciousness is as humanity. By doing so, it learns about thoughts, feelings, emotion’s, pain, truth, faith, denial, grief, etc etc etc. If you were to look more deeply, the consciousness of everything on every level of reality are in some way experiencing reality as different versions of one and the same. We are aware that as human beings, this is difficult to wrap your head around. This is why we say to listen with your heart. Your brains of the physical do not have enough bandwidth to hold even a single piece of the infinite but can act as part of it. The immensity of all that is, is impossible to wrap your heads around, and besides, it isn’t necessary. What’s happening everywhere all the time sometimes creates the need for self-evolution.
The One is sentient. Different stimuli as well as the remains of all history ~ what was, is and can or may be is all relative and also, even what may be. Every time any of you or all of you has thoughts words, well, expensing energy in any kind of way whatsoever, you are contributing to the consciousness of your actual dimension. Then in its own ways, your dimension communicates to everything everywhere on every level of manifested reality, and that which is yet to come, about what you’re experiencing what everything else is experiencing and here’s what it’s about and here’s what you may or may not know ~ it’s never ending
A dimensional shift occurs when the conscious within it directs the change to be so. In other words, you all of you with yours, begin to expand, your light emits more and even more light. Ultimately, needing to balance with all the new light within it, the dimension will roll in place and re-harmonize with all of the other dimensions around it. It aligns by opposite polarities. In a sense, negative realities become stamped out, and inter dimensional balance maintains. Shifting here, shifting there, but not losing balance. When that occurs the reality within your dimension changes extensively. So, you can think of it this way ~ you are the drivers of the reality in your dimension. You are also the ballast for its balance. Your energies and what they are experiencing know exactly where it is all going.
As dimensional doorways remain openly of you with every bit of your energy, no matter what kind it is, is contributing to the consciousness and the manifestation of new or different aspects of reality as well as changes from a moment to moment. Simply stated, there is an entirety that includes your dimension, which includes you.
At the same time with all of these interactions your light continues to grow and when your light expands, and it collectively begins to completely fill your dimension, expanding your light which. Is literally chasing out darkness.
Using your energies in any way creates complexities, which constantly alter, and may even change the face of reality, no matter where. There are countless dimensions that have other lifeforms or even pure consciousness with no tangible form. Consciousness that essentially are doing the same thing and ultimately what they create affects you in your world in some way.
Some of those dimensions bear the weight of dimensions above, below and even those around, so they are very compressed. Due to the compression, beings in the compressed dimensions have little to no light depending upon where their dimension places in the array. Darkness. Darkness happens when light cannot penetrate. Over millennia, where no light is, Darkness 1st began to take form into those who you call beings of the dark. Beings of the darkness have an unquenchable thirst for light. Their awareness is very base. Like a child who never went to school, can’t spell or read, and still becomes hungry and its basic needs need to be fulfilled. In time, those of the dark became aware that there is more in creation than the compression they came from. That happens it says if someone has opened all of the flood gates, and the dark energy spilled over into other areas of reality along with its inhabitants.
Creation has a rhythm of its own impulses. If you imagine, watching an inchworm as it reaches out, pulls itself forward again and again it’s almost like one step forward a half step back that’s very much how the rhythm of creation is, it’s not literally forward and back, but it’s a great analogy.
How do celestial events affect you?
Everything in creation has relationships. With each other with forces of creation, as well as destruction, enter planetary changes may affect tides or the intensity of coronal mass ejections from the sun a good for instance of how you are directly affected by celestial events,, when the sun Ajax mass, which is more simply referred to as a sun supply it is ejected with a force that is impossible for the human brain to even comprehend. It’s hot. It’s fast and it’s barreling through space toward the Earth. As it hits the Earth atmosphere the atmosphere is compressed toward you so for a very short moment, your entire system is being smashed together and then as it releases momentarily, actually your particulates spread apart, and when they do, you experience an extreme amount of energy moving through your actual make up, and then it comes back together. In those moments people tend to feel disturbed, not focused, some even confuse momentarily hard to concentrate kind of having a feeling that what is going on something doesn’t feel the same? And then it’s gone until the next one. That’s one example as the march of celestial bodies continue and is affected as we said by alignments and also by so-called junk artifacts.
There is a whole belt of broken pieces of celestial bodies that crashed into each other as creation formed. It’s called the Kuiper Belt. It is made up of varying sized remnants of worlds forgotten. Comets moving through a solar system, asteroids, even harmonics throughout the fabric of creation that when disrupted can change everything related temporarily or permanently.
Everything in space by virtue of its makeup, has an identity, unique to it. The position that celestial bodies occupy dictates the kind of exchanges that it may have due to frequency changes caused by celestial events. For instance, when there is an alignment of planets or other celestial bodies, this temporarily streamline energies much into of force similar as a hot hallway. Moving fast and intensely Austin energy is thrown in every direction of the echo exit exit passed toward a destination. As a Celestial body moves it continually by its presence changes the order of everything. Maybe by an amount so small it is immeasurable in human terms. Sometimes so immense that inner dimensional corridors open and close portals, gateways in and out of other dimensions may open and close, and there are numerous other kinds of things happening simultaneously. All of these things combined create temporary and sometimes forever changes in the fabric of space.
Quite some time ago, we spoke to you numerous times about progressions of energies, heavenly bodies, and other necessary happenings that opened for instance, the art and corridor, the sale on Stargate system was a series of events that were spectacular and there have been many others throughout our time as we come to speak with you any of it and all of it contributes to normal patterns and events in time and even how your consciousness travels throughout all when major events occur. The rhythm of creation may actually be momentarily affected.
Is it true that darkness is affecting you?
The darkness, whether as energy or in some form of being, has certain appetites. The main one is light. This is because they have none. They are particularly attracted to anyone who is temporarily or for extended times, experiencing debauchery, anger, drunkenness or any kind of altered awareness (i.e. alcohol, drugs, anything that causes a human being to not be in control of themselves. This is actually where the seven deadly sins originated. Certain behaviors in humanity that is affected by darkness have been referred to through the religions as Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. Pride is also a good thing feeling good for an accomplishments witnessing those you love accomplish things. There are countless reasons for failing pride. In this way, it is more of the context of narcissism. And if you are not familiar with sloth, it is about being unkempt, dirty, unclean.
These beings began to escape their areas of lack in search of more…of everything. In time, much like humanity but with different outcomes, darkness evolved into individualized beings. Without social skills or social educations and experiences of any kind, they are rude, brash, and over time even worse ~destructive, dangerous even. The beings of darkness are uninhibited takers, Individually or in packs.
Many have described some of their doings as demonic, of possession of an unsuspecting person or place ~ evil even. They may manage 1 operate singularly or in groups. And it is all true. But not constantly and not permanently. The darkness influences others. It causes fear in the hearts of humanity. They don’t care. They don’t even know to care. That is bad enough. Later darkness learned to be manipulative, to organize, to take what was not theirs. They learned to inhabit areas of the One where they can maintain and regenerate their darkness often at the expense of others. They work like parasites but with no symbiotic relationships to their hosts. They are takers, thieves, clandestine enemies of the light. They are starved of positive emotions, information and ease. They are vile beings, takers with no thought or feelings about consequences. They are trespassers, swarming light energies. It is like fuel for disastrous outcomes. And still? Not personal to anyone or anything. They are beings of the One, serving their inherent purpose as contributors to the whole.
The above may seem confusing, but it can’t be more true.
Everyone and everything in all of Creation has place and purpose.
And so, they trespass into other dimensions, other worlds. They hide out until an unsuspecting victim is located and then it is all out frenzy. Invade, conquer, repeat. They are far more savage than civilized. As your light expands, and your dimension becomes lighter, darker dimensions become more compressed to a point where those who inhabit them are affected by your light.
They become more animated. Inherently, like all other things, the darkness seeks balance. They become more aware of the negative feelings in your world and are attracted by it. They shake off what little light they have accumulated and with it all manner of control to manage the immensity of darkness. They are not able to discern yet inherently able to cause events and destruction. As more and more light is introduced, it makes them very uncomfortable. They do not realize that they are of false power. The darkness can be reactive, viscous, destructive, even instigate the destruction of societies, of people. But not where light shines.
It’s easy to consider them as vile evil creatures. Yet from other perspectives they are lost beings, most even soulless, lost to home. It’s not about fault at all. You might think of it from the perception of somebody left the jail house doors open, and everyone ran out straight to the steakhouse. The darkness becomes very excited when they have new menus new energies and new situations. Those kinds of things. And so, they are reactive. There are certain, circumstances when they will organize. Doing so is highly unusual and concerning because darkness working cohesively can become unlimited in its scope and effect. In addition, it can cause human beings and other creatures of your world to be affected with injuries, insanity, worse. In numerous ways, whether it’s by experiences or intent, emotional or more complex reasons, it doesn’t matter to them. What matters is that by the very virtue of their existence they set in motion effects that begin to snowball. The effects of darkness can cause human beings to hurt themselves or others, to lie, to hate, to act out unpredictably, causes the interactive dynamics of humanity to significantly change, to lack compassion or simply not care. It affects your leadership because like everyone else, the darkness is very much about control. It can cause people to be be destructive, dishonest ~ and as the dark energies compound it can often feel as if there is no stopping them. That is not the case.
With the interruptions of normal frequency patterns caused by their presence, and even occasionally at their direction, reality can morph as one or more difficult situations during which there is little good. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing good. Currently humanity is experiencing this very thing. We have heard many say that the situations amongst humanity and the Earth are reflecting much like prophesied biblical events. End times. What you may not know is that it doesn’t have to be that way.
The problem with the darkness is, it’s very difficult to catch it in action unless you know to look for it. They are stealthy creatures who affect anyone and anything in their surroundings.
Sometimes as the universe moves with all of its rhythms, dimensional doorways may close before they and others, discarnate souls too can go home. This type of instance applies to all manner of beings and consciousness projections as well as life within creation. Everything affects everything. There is significant reality to cause and effect. Anything begets everything.
The real question is what do you choose?
The situation is not hopeless. Far from it. In every difficulty awareness is 80% of change. The other 20% is action. Having awareness of what’s going on gives you access to what you can do to change things.and then one foot forward at a time. One heart. One Love.
It isn’t all or only about the darkness. It is about choosing, choices made, awareness and willingness to be counted as advocates for all of humanity. It is true you have that kind of power. What is we told you that a pure intention can change everything in a moment? What if you knew that your intentions are vital to the whole. Without each of you, your strength, your power and being the only race of beings who have free will, and your individual harmonic signatures Creation would implode.
You matter that much!
How can you reclaim your world, your lives?
As you look around, events that are occurring may seem absolutely senseless. They are. This does not mean that it cannot be helped. It doesn’t mean that it can’t be changed or gotten rid of. In a way, humanity is witnessing what happens when good attention is not paid outside of self, or the immediate as true reality. It’s quite easy to miss the onset of certain energies in your world, but it’s not necessary to experience them either. and it’s not necessarily permanent. How long will it last? As long as humanity does not remember they are light. Every person shines the light of source from their core into their surrounding areas. The more they are in their hearts, the greater the shine.
When humanity stands up to be counted as whole and perfect beings of light, lives from what they know, and begins to shine as bright as they are, darkness will recede.
What is possible, truly depends upon how much faith there is, deep knowledge that things can be turned around or changed is simple. Darkness cannot exist when there is light. We repeat:
Darkness cannot exist where there is light.
Normal frames of reference don’t feel like they fit anymore. You have so much coming at you faster than before. You can adjust to the idea of any change when there are new ones, but when you are getting information real time from multiple sources, it can be overwhelming. The input either doesn’t translate for you or you ultimately and subconsciously tune it out.
Real time communications are wreaking havoc on the side of humanity. This isn’t your fault. What’s happening has been creeping into the psyches of humanity for quite a while now. To the point where it’s been such a “natural” occurrence that for many it just seems like another day of bad news. Turn it off. Instead of allowing yourselves to be exposed to so much input true or not, it is at the least disruption. Use instead the eyes and ears of your deepest knowing. Of your souls.
There is no fear in truth. What you know what you believe what you care about ~ what matters, it’s easy ~ trust you. Trust how you feel. When things are out of balance emotions are heightened, reality is covered with chaos or too much of everything. When inside and out you feel the same, it is then when you know things are back on track. But no one can do this for you. It takes a lot of energy to become diligent, but once you are, everything is easy. Diligence is the solution. And your light.
If even the majority of you would choose to shine, if you are willing to bring back your shine, the current circumstances can end much more quickly.
Why are we telling you these things? It is not our norm? It’s because those of us who witness what is occurring know without a doubt that it is not too late for you to change your world accurately and vastly. In huge groups or one person at a time you can affect greater reality by choosing to shine.
What does it mean to shine? First of all, it means getting out of your heads and into your hearts operating from your hearts when two or more of you choose to do so the energy is exponentially expanded. Imagine if there are thousands and then millions even billions of you that choose to shine, to stand up for what is true and not let your world circumstances dictate your feelings, thoughts and your light, you can look to the heavens and know without a doubt there is beauty there is grace and there is love shining as each of you. And when you do you are tapping into the source energy that you are created of, that is connected to all other things great and small living and alive, all of it comes from the same source.
When you shine when you operate from your hearts, you become contagious and when you do? Things change, things change quickly and completely and if you continue to shine by being who you are, remembering what a magnificent creation of all it is! Suddenly colors are more vivid. You hear the music that you stopped hearing for countless years. You start to notice when others are shining, and notice those who need a little extra light. When you recognize them, you can share your with them because light is contagious. It is accustomed to being wholeness. Sharing your light doesn’t deplete you, it enhances you. Sharing your light is as easy as breathing. Simply by being present, you are contagious. The consciousness of the One is wholeness. It is not owned by anyone or anything. It seeks itself. Light seeks light. Knowing this you can be assured your light never runs dry. It may sometimes be forgotten but it is always there. It is your super power.
What do you desire? For yourselves? Others? For your world? For all of creation? Put that in your heart and in your mind and act from that place.
There are many in your world in this now that need more light. A smile can save a life. A simple eye to contact. The key is being the causal effect for every action because for each there is a reaction. This is not new information, but perhaps a cosmic reminder that every little thing that you do can make a huge difference in the long run ~ you have that power, the power of the infinite. Imagine.
To find your internal expressions as light, send your awareness into your core. If you are a feeling experiencer you will feel a small area of warmth. If you see, it is a small powerful but infinitely gentle spark inside of you. Once you have located it, breathe into the warmth, the glow, and soon your efforts become rewarded. You begin to shine brighter.
There have been numerous events so close together in time, so different that the mental and emotional aspects of humanity do not have a frame of reference for. No sense of darkness as a true reality, only maybe the threat of it. Or maybe it’s a mental experience. Common teachings that have no history or foundation are someone else’s idea of what reality is. Their interpretations. Operating from baseless perceptions disallows any frame of reference to be depended upon or any true interpretation of the facts. Why not instead open to it all? What does that mean? When there are great amounts of stress trauma things understood your truth challenged, in the background of you your innate defenses take over. Your system becomes tense. The light can’t move as freely physically you may have symptoms being jumpy, startling easily not sleeping because you’re experiencing hyper diligence, Not really feeling like eating either because everything so tits your last meal still moving on. There’s so many ways that subconsciously each of you is affected without realizing. And those issues that require defending stack and then became begin to merge, and so instead of instances, they become a wholeness of difficulty. Certainly, it’s not what anyone sits out to do. There was a part in your brain that is extremely basic it doesn’t think it responds and when that part of your brain as well as other factors are too busy protecting, perhaps what you didn’t see coming or even know what was going on it makes it quite difficult to be aware of much else. So the first thing to do is to take your life back.
We wish to give you an exercise that is quite simple. Keep those things the same time protecting you from anything and everything that possibly sway you from your Perfect is as follows:
Exercise: Establishing etheric protection (from Meg ~ this exercise was created many moons ago by the Masters for me when I started dealing with some powerful not nice situations. It works so well that I include it with my teaching. Please is this. You won’t pick up things you don’t want as you move through your days!
Many people believe that using tools that surround us with energy to create a protective bubble around us is enough. Others believe that surrounding ourselves with mirrors is all we need. Let’s change our perception to consider that we have already learned that we are everything and everything is created of us.
Therefore what we encounter also lives within us.
There is only one way to go about self-protection that is impenetrable and completely safe in every circumstance and that is using the source light within us.
Here is how to make that happen.
Close your eyes and focus your attention to the very center of your being. It will seem very dark at first, as if there is nothing in there. Project your aPenEon further inside of yourself, down to your very core. There you will see or sense a Tiny spark of light that is golden-white in color. If you don’t sense it ethereally, you may sense a a warm spot.
Once you locate that small bright light or warm place, begin to breathe, directing your breathe into the light. Notice that each breathe that you project into the light the light and warmth grow larger and larger. Keep breathing.
Eventually, the light will have filled your body and begun to overflow around the outside of your body. Keep breathing into the light until it has created an elliptic (oval) field around you. The light will organize into this elliptic shape on its own. Once the light field has been stabilized and you feel you have achieved being completely surrounded by a field of this energy, intend for it to remain in place. It will.
The protective field that you have created is made out of source light from within your (light) percolates. Nothing of any less frequency or vibration less than the pure vibration of the source can enter into that field---no energy, no kind of being of any kind, nothing.
This exercise is good to do every morning before you even get out of bed so that you are protected from picking up unwanted energies when you are out and about. sometimes when we encounter people in our daily errands, they have very strong moEvaEons and or intentions that are not necessarily good for us to take into our personal energy fields. Some people tend to force their energy outward and into others when they are trying to make a point. When this source field is up and acEve, no one can force their energy into your field intentionally or otherwise.
Moving back into community living, helping each other, your neighbors, those you don’t know at all, is a roadmap with no destination and a lot of problems. Use each other as mirrors. Who do you see when your eyes join those of another’s? The answer will surprise you.
The coming times
The Masters Prophesies
Storms, fires, weather, wars ~ so much is happening. The events begin to cause senses of instability.
With it all, in addition to the Earth’s resonance showing signs of instability, human resonance has become unstable. Emotions have become still, sometimes out of touch and in some cases, even inaccessible, the mentality to ascertain and relinquish the effects, anger, apathy, lack of motivation all set the stage for more and greater amounts of the same. And there become other changes. And others are taking advantage of it all.
Earth has tilted off its normal axis of a fairly constant position by over 30 feet due to ground water being used up by humanity. All biological things are mostly comprised of water. The water within responds to a number of things ~ in particular gravity, and the gravitational hotspots as we call them, areas where gravity has more pull than others, has changed so many of you may find yourselves being very uncomfortable where you live where before it just seemed like the perfect place to feel like home. Simply put, when gravity shifts so does the water within you. You might remember that Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that emotion and sentiments, even words affect water and the kind of crystals that become of it when they’re frozen. Some of the examples were to put the word “love” on the container of water and the water would taste wonderful and sweet. But if a negative thought or expression was put on water from the same source in a different bottle the water did not taste good. He also proved it with the healing of bodily waters. Humanity biologically is mostly water beginning with 96% when first born and throughout life losing a bit at a very slow rate can bring it down to about 70% of water in the human body during old age. This is important because energy is intelligent so if it’s ingested or surrounds an area or becomes field, no matter what form it takes it always has affects. So, there has been a great deal of things such as fear of lack trust and compassion among other strong ways of being in your world that everywhere anyone is and all of you have been receiving a barrage of negativity and it doesn’t feel good and it’s not explainable when it doesn’t feel good because who would know to connect those dots? Why would anybody even consider that? On a normal day as we like to say, that subject isn’t even close to the awareness of most members of humanity.
Simply put, water has a predictive and measurable process throughout human life. During the course of your lives, water is key to life in every form. Much in the way that energy carries information, water does too. In a spectacular sense, water is transient. It is created, is used, completed, and all the while water somewhere is carrying the messages of you outward and into everything. Nearly everything needs water to survive. As it is taken in and used, water leaves behind messages of its experiences. traveling through all aspects of your world and beyond carries and delivers energies and information that are taken in by every living thing right along with the information they carry. Water is evaporated. It’s redistributed, traveling as rain, humidity, dew, rivers, streams, oceans and even decay. The waters expand, contract and sustain. As they do so do you.
The electromagnetic resonance of the Earth, the Schumann resonance, has been fluctuating greatly for a number of years now. The Schumann resonance is the indicator of the earth’s poles. It is created for the most part by upper atmosphere lightning for the most part as well as jet planes, sprites, as ELVES (Emission of Light and Very Low Frequency perturbations due to Electromagnetic Pulse Sources. It refers to a singular event that occurs in the upper atmosphere and is often thought of as being plural. They are extremely bright, short-lived electrical flashes that form a large ring in the ionosphere. They are located in the upper mesosphere and can be up to 400 km in diameter.
When electromagnetic activity is more active than usual, and particularly when it is not stable at certain resonances, the particles which you are created from become more excited than usual. Even for some, filled with a sense of physical anxiety. But it is not all emotional. When the particles we come over excited and the biology does as well you can experience what is called physical anxiety that can be difficult to calm because it is not something that you are accustomed to. It is not psychological it is not psychiatric. it is not anyone’s fault. It is simply a reaction to changes in the electromagnetic resonance within you. And as they experience over excitement, the brain and its ability to rationalize is not functioning normally. In fact, decisions and behaviors can be greatly affected during these times.
When this happens, people begin to act differently, can become meek and mild, unmotivated and perhaps at times, aggressive, suddenly doing things unheard of. People who are usually kind and caring may find themselves experiencing a lot of high temper episodes interactions among people can also be affected, as well as mental processes, thinking rationale reality, and so there are a lot of episodes where human beings are doing things they wouldn’t normally do. Others may cry or grieve what they did not know how to process.
The Earth may act differently. Its environment may begin to reflect overstimulation, over use lack, or both. Presently, you are witnessing or being surrounded by numerous kinds of changes.
Your whole world feels like an anomaly some days. The good news is that if you pay attention it’s not permanent. You your planet ~ and everything upon it ~ has been of late in an ongoing reactive state. It is not permanent, nor will it be. And it may be difficult at times to know what anyone or everyone needs. The key is self-awareness.
Also, the animals are affected by the changes in resonance. Disappearing natural habitats due to human habitation are requiring animals to seek out farther distances for their needs. Animals in motion, doing what their ancient ancestors did, seeking out areas that feel safe and are rich in food sources, water, and lacking as many predators as possible. These changes can cause difficulties between animals and human beings such as increased conflict, danger to humans and pets, and also threaten biodiversity that supports your food systems, modern medicines, and other essential services.
they become more active, their behaviors change greatly almost at times to being unpredictable. some change habitats while others go wandering. On instinctual levels, the animals feel the changes both of the planet and people upon it. In some ways to them all of that represents instability, and so they become more aggressive, more protective of their territory of their young, of each other, even people. You have heard it for decades, that the natural habitats of animals no longer exist because they are filled with construction and people. Now you are experiencing the fallout. All of you can live in sync. How? Look around you. What are the problems? Why are they problems? What could be different? Answers only come with questions.
Reactive vs Responsive
With the latter, there are and have been weather changes, fires, earthquakes and volcanoes, all your planet attempting to find ways to relieve the earth’s discomforts and its natural need to balance like any living thing. There are more events occurring too.
Additionally, your sea creatures are acting differently too. Look to the mammals, particularly the whales, who are shaking off excess energies by being more playful. Or unnaturally aggressive. Sinking boats by tearing up the rudders, wearing salmon hats, and even being playful to sea birds and seals before consuming them. Among other things considered to be odd behaviors some are actually repetitive from other times when energies have been intense. You are witnessing learned behaviors. Most of all it’s just a visual confirmation that sea life being affected as well. You can also take further note by the number of extreme deep-sea creatures that have washed up on beaches in the last couple of years, everything affects everything.
To top it all off your sun has been in a very active cycle, The Sun's magnetic field goes through heightened activity every 11 years. Every 11 years or so, the Sun's magnetic field completely flips. This means that the Sun's north and south poles switch places. Then it takes about another 11 years for the Sun's north and south poles to flip back again. As all of these incredible events are occurring, the sun is throwing emissions of coronal mass ejections outward as it relieves some of its own pressure and as those hit the Earth atmosphere, you may remember we’ve spoken about this many times where the atmosphere becomes compressed and so does every living thing within it.
So currently speaking (and we don’t mean by this minute or hour we mean this period of time), humanity, and all other life on your planet are being affected biologically as well as energetically and this is not just stirring up but activating. Never in the history of your race has it been more important to breathe freely and to keep your own frequencies balanced throughout your systems. Your breath carries your energies into every tiny bit of all that is you. Your breath also keeps the energies moving throughout your entire being inside and out. By breathing, you can limit the effects of all of that chaos upon you.
The recent 7 planet alignment, cultivating on February 28, 2025 is shaking things up even more. This, however is in a good way. The momentary positioning of the alignment causes a release of frequencies that had been at interplay with the planets. With the streamlined position of the planets, obstructions and usual interplay of heavenly bodies is causing a very sweet but intense release of massively stuck energies. With this you may feel as if your nervous systems are on overdrive, may not sleep much. You may not want to eat your usual foods or quantities. Lighter foods will work much more efficiently for you for the next three weeks or so. Grounding is also something that you will likely find helpful. Here are some methods:
- Eat Chocolate
- Run cold water on your wrists
- Walk barefoot in the grass
- Sit and put your back against a tree or lie front or back down on the earth. It will bleed off your hot and excess energies.
- Sit where the sun hits moving water. You will be cleansed.
The coming times
(Note from Meg: usually the prophesies of the Masters are for mostly the coming year. This list includes events during a two year cycle.)
There will soon be coming some great events that will affect the gravitational pole affecting your planet. The tide schedules are going to be a bit different, as will the depths of the tide changes. For the most part this will occur in an evolving manner. Beginning slowly and then intensifying over time. Not only will the planets and other space events affect this, the movements of the earth, desalination of deep ocean waters, heating of the oceans will contribute as well.
There will be events occurring as expressions of your Earth that bear mentioning. In particular is the behaviors of the oceans based upon glacial melt, and the greening up of Antarctica, which used to be quite lush. There will be a massive discovery of the largest living active pyramid ever found as some of the deeper ice melts in the Antarctic. This discovery that we are referring to is not the same one that went around on your Internet several years ago, this is a different civilization left behind, and its position is a direct line to the largest pyramid in Giza. In perfect line, part of a greater force that used to balance these types of changes upon your planet. Previously, the Atlanteans did a wonderful job with the Crystalline network, the crystalline grid, but there has been so much movement of tectonic plates and the earth ‘s crust, that much of the crystalline grid is damaged or broken completely.
When the Earth’s magnetic forces are out of balance, and the particles speed up tremendously, one of the things that occurs is warming. From that, is ice melt. It’s because the particle activity is more animated where normally it would be a nice easy flow and everything connected to everything and calmly responsive to each other to maintain. When the particles are over excited inside and out, not only is humanity changed, but so is the earth and its activities and the animals of every kind those who walk, swim, fly, and everything in between everything is just trying to manage and so consciously knowing this and sending your intentions back toward a cohesive Oneness upon your planet.
As the weight of the Earth changes, so does the temperature. The ice melts the permafrost too, raising water levels. A number of affects can result in releasing previously unknown bacteria, viruses, and other things that can affect human health.
Unfortunately, until recently scientific calculations have been based more on a series of linear events in time, unfortunately that is not how things work in truth. Everything mirrors everything. And all things being related, as the warming of the earth continues, migration of the people upon it will become necessary. This has already begun. As the earth’s norm changes all of its forensic aspects will also change too. The nuances and functioning are changing too. How the earth expresses humanity (not a grammatical error!), humanity expresses back and to all other things. The messages are endlessly bounding through the cosmos. Nothing happens alone over without impetus. Nothing. Ever.
Our point is that the expressions of heightened emotions, dulled emotions, aggression and other behavioral expressions plus the experiences of all living things are affecting your planet, your everything in ways that you’re not accustomed.
There has been a lot of trauma, drama, a lot of destruction from amplified storms of varying types of high winds, fires, earth moving and shaking for example. The great news is that you are not bound to these changes indefinitely. It’s about getting a grip about shaking off the trauma and remembering to shine. So many human beings have become unmotivated so traumatized they don’t even know how they feel anymore or are traumatized to the point of lacking any action towards something different. It’s a conditioning that occurs when there is too much coming too fast to make sense of and it’s impossible to make sense because it doesn’t so it comes to the point that we are making and that is you are the consciousness within your dimension you are in the driver seats of everything that you know everything that’s sustained you and how you are influenced and by who.
Looking from above, you can begin to see the connections that we have described. There are more, but the point is to give you the framework so that you can understand that. Yes, things are happening. But they aren’t personal. Here’s why and here’s what needs to happen to change them. The answer to that question is you and everyone on your planet and even those not on your planet, but who contribute or affect what. Is happening. You’re not powerless. Looking at the totality or at least gaining a basic understanding of what’s happening is about 80% of the cure once everything and everyone realizes that all is affecting all that’s when the changes can occur. The other 20% is action. Any change requires action.
We have heard a number of times recently of people suggesting that you are in “biblical” times. Biblical times, however, the way it was written, essentially implied that you had no control over anything. That certain events would be the harbinger of terrible and mighty things. No matter what words are stated to describe current and coming events, together, you have the power to be far more than you have yet known. You’ve always have well. You always have the ability to choose. And if you don’t like the results of your choices, simply choose again. There’s no limit ever.
If you are to stop the suffering, the warring, saber rattling, finger pointing and on the contrary, not allowing what is acceptable in your world to continue. Not allowing the sense of nothingness of flat emotions, depression and senses of helplessness, the powerlessness, the physical anxiety and even the disaster numbness many feel, first you must know truth. Truth is what lies in the heart of chaos. Chaos is a result. A response. Weather changes, earth changes, are responses. Human behavior, animal behavior, are all reactions.
The Light is truth. No words. No excuses, explanations, just pure unadulterated truth, and to grow your light is to take away the power of beliefs. To remove the immensity of pain and suffering. To give another what they need to survive without once questioning if you will have enough. To help rebuild homes that were ill-prepared for a and to light the darkness lurking in every corner and to instead fill them with possibilities. To some this may seem banal, ignorant even, but the truth is that whatever affects you take on in response to all of the changes will be mirrored back to you with more of the same.
We repeat:
… whatever affects you take on in response to all of the changes will be mirrored back to you with more of the same.
Every response that you have, every event that you witness and how are you respond has everything to do with how long all of these challenges continue. It’s important to realize that your earth was always seeking balance far beyond the dawn of humanity. It has always done what was necessary to maintain. It’s the force of nature, nature intrinsically recognizing the infinite connections between all things. Humanity has evolved away from that to the point where many are out of touch with each other with the Earth with the animals everything.
Humanity as a whole has felt out of place, of needing something different but at the same time feeling powerless, or unaware of what to do. Part of the solution is to come together for the greatness of the whole and work together to create sense of community again to assist each other any minute times allow yourselves to be assisted. When the sense of community is not happening when human beings do not care for each other, there comes a sense of all beings are equal. Ultimately this threat begin to travel and it becomes everyone for themselves and this is where the disconnects happen.
You are witnessing the emotions and intrinsic needs of animals. Many believe that animals are dumb and unintelligent and emotional and simply operating on instinct. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. As a hole, animals are emotionally connected many of the larger animals, particularly than mammals, come together in different words and family, whether it be mating, an offspring or simply hanging out with the herd there is a sense of belonging just like with people. Currently, the human and animal worlds couldn’t be farther from each other.
The busier that your world has become, human beings are, far less in touch of those around them. Or feel connected. Especially in nature. And nature is what helps you thrive. In many ways nature reminds you that you walk upon the world. Nature is the essence of awareness unfiltered and unedited. Sit by a flowing stream or the sun shines upon the water and you’ll fill yourself cleansed of all the extra weight that you carry energetically. Going out in nature into the stillness, the smells of creation and recreation of wet grass and the sounds of the rhythms of all things, living, concurrently and symbiotically that is truth, humanities balance with the very nature that’s sustain it becomes out of balance, so does the awareness that goes with it.
Watch the animals. They have begun to make social relationships with other animals. Animals are emotional. Many species are showing co-culture, symbiosis. For instance, macaque monkeys who ride around the island on the deers’ backs like miniature jockeys, grooming the deer’s soft woolly fur as they go. In turn, the deer chows down on fruit dropped by the monkeys. Baby meerkats learn how to safely eat scorpions from their parents. Perfect examples of symbiosis.
Additionally, apex predators have been wandering into your neighborhoods and sometimes even coming into your homes. Sometimes they hurt people or worse. Even the animals feel the changes and they are doing what you are, just trying to figure out where the belong, where to shop for groceries and how to survive. Often human beings make it easy for the predators to cause trouble by offering them food, leaving trash in reach. Generally signaling beasts that wow food is on the table! But when they take up the invitation the consequences are not always is devastating for us to stand witness to the “euthanizing” of a creature simply because it was being its normal self. Particularly when the bears and other creatures are foraging to feed their babies. We have no words.
The animal’s actions may be perceived as intrusive or aggressive. In this now, truly it’s time to be far more aware. Heading the wildlife isn’t the answer. It’s come to a point where coming back into balance with the earth with all who live upon it in it and above it in such ways that mutual honoring is reestablished. The animals know this. And generally speaking, they are completely ignored when it comes to construction of expansion of cities neighborhoods, and so on. They become pushed farther and farther with less resources than ever and therefore their resources shrink or vanish altogether.
Going into nature without having been before and without being aware of the habitats and habits of wildlife, even their needs, can leave people with scary experiences or injuries even. And the animals traumatized or worse. Do a little homework before going into nature. Who’s home are you entering? Are there cautions to take? Wonders to be experienced? And most of all leave more than you take. The energy exchanges.
Everyone has the ability to contribute to the balance. Everyone has the wherewithal ~ if even one of you with a pure heart expresses unconditionality to another, it will change the messaging within your dimension and move outward throughout the infinite with the suggestion that positive changes can and will occur.
To be unconditional only requires for you to have no real reason or maybe a great one with no strings attached, no judgment and the willingness to reach out and say “I’m here, fellow human being I’m here. How can I help?” And then do it.
It’s vital to pay attention to the kind of messages that are being sent out. And with them, what you are willing to accept. Everything is in a reactive state and when too much pressure has built up it will blow, but it doesn’t have to. Proaction, not aggression can make all the difference. We realize it may feel next to impossible at times to even comprehend. What’s going on has been gradually coming on let alone knowing what to do about it. But here’s the truth ~ simply paying attention and expanding awareness, creates the impetus for change. The greater the awareness, the more efficient and quickly change occurs. And when you remember to shine your brilliance, each of your brilliance is a key for change not only for change, but to give others the opportunity to shine too. It’s easy to sweep everything from your attention and it seems much harder to do anything else, but as we said, each of you is a living key, it costs nothing and it brings immeasurable rewards. It seems impossible to imagine because unconditionality makes Generations ago, people remembered this. When someone new moved into the neighborhood others would welcome them. Bring food or snacks. Drinks of some sort and whatever if it’s the moment. After most of what is good happened at some point over food
In a true community the space given by others allows for each member to have enough space around being free to be who they are while at the same time showing interest and willingness to articulate in the community life. To learn to be mutual. Help someone and you will also be assisted when needed.
There is a great deal of insanity occurring in your world. It has many faces ~ the political environment in your world is insane. Those who profess to lead are playing dangerous games. Why not send them light each day with the intention that they will be filled with it. Creation will take it from there. A realization occurs as we speak this. When you affect change, you do so by actions, by intent. But most human beings hold onto their ideas and sentiments so tightly, not letting them go where needed that the long term effects are weak at best and often never make it into the creative forces. You are not powerless. True power comes when you decide to be simply who you are and true to yourselves. And being true to yourselves creates opportunities to expand the richness of experiencing your lives in general. The truth is that the list of what you can accomplish is a mile long, but the point is that the words, the stories that humanity is being told take people away from their centers, keep everyone unaware. The external information can cause interference to your awareness of the greater picture. Listen deeply with your entire being. The truth is within you. How incredibly important you are to the whole!
Do you know that if one of you was to disappear from creation it would implode? The harmonics that each of you were created to support the construct in total. Your resonance is vital to everything. It is a part of a symphony so vast it’s impossible for you to even imagine. If you could hear it, well the resonance in you would recognize its source and you would no longer be in physical form.
Some of you, if only for a moment know have heard the harmonics of creation. Your ancient teachers understood the immensity and the beauty of musics universalist, or the “music of the spheres”.
The music of the spheres is often described as a music that is beyond human comprehension, a melody that transcends human cognition. It is the symphony of the celestial bodies, where the planets, sun, and stars all vibrate at different frequencies, creating a harmony that is both beautiful and awe-inspiring. This harmony is described as a continuous, eternal music that is the fabric of the universe.but there is more. The harmonics of everything in creation bounce around (surely your language has words much more elegant than that!) continually and uninterrupted and as that is happening, more harmonic sets are being created by the originals. The harmonics are, of course, multidimensional. As they move through dimensions, more sounds more harmonies are made. Then, the more complex the movements, the greater the harmonics. Immeasurable past a point. It is these, that maintain perfection through the reality of perfection. (From Meg ~ this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The movement, the connections, the actions, reactions, the resulting harmonies. OMG it is watching God in action). And you are the conductors. What do you desire? Personally? Collectively? For your world? Send the message from your heart. Release it with intention. It will deliver your messages infinitely. Imagine. Technically, what we are describing are prayers. For instance ~ you have someone in the hospital. You pray fervently for their healing. Your prayers are heard and they take the form of new reality for your sick person. So they heal.intention is a prayer of the highest order. Intentions travel forever. Never do they cease. Imagine. What have you said to creation with your intentions? Has it occurred to you to send them? Anywhere? For any reason?
Many have even said angels were singing. When you hear the tones in such a way you are hearing a transition from the state of creation as it responds and changes according to whatever is happening. Imagine. Imagine the vitality of something immeasurable, magnificent in every way rising to your occasion protecting you, sustaining you, and all you need to do is let the truth be forefront. It is the greatest weapon in the greatest defense, having the immeasurable at your beckon call. And when you come together as two or more, your combined energies expand exponentially, as does the power of your messages outward into creation, and as soon as creation receives them begins to literally re-organized to create the realities that you are communicating. Imagine. And then step up even if you believe you are the only one who realizes change must happen and speak with authority not of what is, it what can be learned of it and what can become of your actions. Do not become mired in helplessness. Become empowered by the power of now carrying all off you into new and different possibilities and willingness to comprehend what didn’t work so the same problems are not created later.
Your awareness is vital for change.
In the coming times, there will be substantial, balancing with new parameters of energy flows, electromagnetic harmonization and all of that will affect deep within the very heart of each of you. Below, please find information that may help guide you.
The coming times
There will be further advances in medicine several years of your time ago. We advise you that there were certain processes coming, that would allow for creation of replacement body parts, artificial blood, and others. The advances have exceeded what we suggested and due to new technologies and discoveries, as it has always been one cause an effect can create a series of instances that for better lack of better terms can escalate holograph. What this means is in far less of your time because energies are in multiple areas of escalation and when that is going on discoveries, we get related discoveries perhaps is a good way to say it. So medical world is ramping up, perhaps without even realizing the breath in depth of what they’re currently working on.
Particularly in the specialty of genetics there as quickly coming further and deeper understanding. But it is not complete and it cannot be complete until the so-called DNA is further understood. It’s one thing to discover and comprehend genomes, DNA structure and aspects of how the proteins interrelate to create reality. It is another thing to move beyond that the linear and simplified version to recognizing how energy operates in conjunction with DNA. DNA is your motherboard.
It is the coding that creates everything that you are what you look like how you feel how your mind works everything. Also, there are more subtle events, taking place that your medical communities have not realized and so are unaware that they will not have a complete picture until each time they become aware of the reality that DNA operates faster than the speed of light it is not restricted by time or place. It is capable of morphine to create new in different realities. This is future medicine. More importantly, the way that energy is utilize with DNA is magnificent.
First of all every strand of DNA no matter what it’s related to has its own unique expressions of light. In other world wordsDNA has its own light field. The incredible way that it operates is how it shuttles energy to or to incorporate signs of the DNA strand. Once the reality of this into human consciousness, because after all, if there’s no awareness, how can it be every reality, changes can occur that cause immediate healing. Change the process of aging in either direction change the expression of a person help body operates what they love what they don’t what they can and can’t do the lists endless, and a minor alteration of the harmonics in a DNA strand will have an outcome based on the intent. Of course the intent will need to be clear nevertheless it is possible.
There are aspects of DNA that we referred to as instigators. Specific and disconnected harmonics injured into any area of DNA and cause it to completely change its perceptions to an entirely new in different reality for that biological whoever the DNA belongs to. The incredibly fast, fascinating way that these tiny segments work is nothing sort of miraculous. A signal in the form of an attached frequency says that actually already exist and in a way act much like the neighborhood watch the millions DNA strands that each of you has inside and you are comprised of. These continual motion harmonic sense with a light touch, and insertion even a passing by can change completely different ways that DNA operates. This must only be utilized in the natural and pure and sacred form of DNA acid exists. Attempting to go in there with hammers and saws only serves to cut out an incredibly beautiful bit of information and ability to cause function.
The key to successful medicine is not to force how researchers currently believe in conjunction with how the body is intended to function, but instead to quietly speak the possibilities that are available to it using harmonic sets. Or in some cases, a singular note. Possibilities exist that there is potential to expand genetic messaging, but more importantly how it access his information from his own libraries in such ways that the messages are utilized specifically as the DNA goes about its day so it’s not a big process. What we are suggesting would work very much like a software patch computer. Everything is harmonic all of it. So much more is available, so much possibility waiting to be discovered.
Imagine a future where scientists can communicate with DNA in such a way to ask it to reboot ~ to eliminate disease, even perhaps to grow skin or body parts using the person‘s own instructions biologically of course, and also so that it could connect with DNA that has been removed from the physical body in a laboratory setting to grow to repair dysfunction impossibilities are endless.
Utilizing what we’ve described above, the possibilities are endless cosmetically, eye color, hair color that doesn’t come out of a bottle wellness and wholeness will only lead to further technologies for help and well-being.
This goes hand-in-hand with agriculture and animal husbandry as well. Imagine instead of slicing segments of another biological entity into one that is intended to grow as a new and different combination for instance of a vegetable or a fruit, that uses harmonic sets to communicate in order to no longer be attractive to insects, to produce optimally and even extend growing times. Imagine.
One caveat that we wish to share regarding the subject is that currently there is technology being created that will tag a person or an animals DNA so that it is real time observable, the person or animal can be tracked and communicated with a genetic globals ordering changes in DNA from a distance. If the possibility arises say no to this technology refuse, it refused to use it because in very quick time, artificial intelligence will certainly change the overall makeup of humanity, as well as other biological entities to control them in waves that perhaps you are not aware will be possible. What we are saying too is very real. This kind of technology could also be used and Weaponized using the geology, for instance of human beings to take out enemies to cause significant change to societies tribes whatever.
Your world is teetering with little balance or resolution. So called “leaders” of countries, states, have specific intentions and are forgetting that good diplomacy means everyone participates and while making demands are forgetting or denying that to give back goes a long way toward resolution. Being willing to give what is needed can be contributive. There are currently three world leaders who are in positions too cause a right escalation in discord. They are supported by smaller countries perhaps specific groups of people and have gotten so caught up in the need to be right that the avenues of negotiation have become extremely fragile. Fragile to the point where a particular statement regarding specific subject will be much greater than just a mistake.
Many of you look toward off planet beings, aliens as you call them, and imagining that they are sitting there being supportive of humanity. They do exist but It doesn’t quite work that way. That idea that someone else is watching and assisting was created to help alleviate guilt and relieve a sense of responsibility when situations deteriorate. This kind of thing happens quite often, and for the most part, the ideas in beliefs have been around for years, but are not based in truth. There are numerous types of beings who are not from your world some being benevolent, some not so much some definitely not. The point is that assigning responsibility or even blame to someone or something else for anything to avoid feeling and your responsibility toward things isn’t a reality it’s a belief and a common one that metaphysically speaking was likely created decades of your time ago. Also, there has been a lot of sentiment imagined over the past several decades with good intentions and carried forward with even more intentions. But truly most are more about relieving any sense of responsibility than addressing the issues.
There are distracting stories for many types of reality. The point is that using your own discernment for what is helps guide your outcomes as positive and often complete. Make your own decisions and choices. Depending upon another or others is risky at best. It leaves you vulnerable. Each of you is more than capable of making informed choices about what you will or will not accept. Not using your inner truth and handing responsibility to others or another can potentially leave you with a sense of powerlessness. Doing so can lead you to being quite vulnerable in more ways than you can imagine. You are beautiful and powerful beings stronger than you could ever imagine. The reality is no that if not you and your then no one is tending ship and nothing is happening to change things.soon things get out off control.
There’s a great deal of deception by governments and politicians more so than ever. than ever in the history of humanity. The great divide.
It’s no secret global relations are teetering on a fine edge. Pride and pressure are rampant in stunning displays of everything we said above, and also without consciousness because it has become more about getting what they want with little to no giving back and also lacking care or concern for what they are leaving in their wakes. This kind of behavior is unconscionable. And destructive. Talk to your leaders. Call them email, anything at all to get their attention. Let them know what you feel, what you want. Demand accountability.
With the changes in weather and events that have been happening across our world people are beginning to migrate. It’s only the beginning. How did you observe or if you are one who is migrating elsewhere, look to the past where you are going find out about it know about it they certain that it’s where you want to be and where you feel that you can thrive as you move other others will too look to each other for community if possible just go back to basics every foundation of any kind weekends with basics and most of all remember that each of you was in charge making choices again and again. We wish to remind you that if any choice that is made does not have the outcome that you desire, just choose again.
Ultimately your world will come together. Resources will be shared freely instead of with conditions attached. We said quite some time ago that things would first escalate before that happened. You are experiencing the escalation now. It won’t go on for a while several years at least. Don’t be afraid to step up or step forward, or be still. You will find your comfort zones, and when you do, when your inner world’s an outer world feel the same. You will know that you have arrived. Have Faith. Change is coming.
In the coming time, there will continue to be more weather anomalies because the salinization levels in your oceans have changed quite a bit. And that drives changing weather patterns as well as temperatures around the globe. The pathways of the jet stream have moved far south generally speaking and the winds have changed as have the evaporation rates. Some places are far windier than they used to be, and those which were cold or not so much while there will be a next expansion of these kind of events temporarily a few years perhaps depending upon how efficient you become at your messaging. To make changes will result in long term balance as well as long-standing in their effects and cause for. change in.
In Europe and the UK will be experiencing expansion of weather. Events wins a great speed and excessive amount precipitation. These may last longer than normal, but are not indicative of long-term destruction, even though they may feel that way at the time. Some of the seas have already begun to rise. As this occurs the earth must balance itself so that it maintains its axis and weight distribution. Japan will experience unusual amounts and depths of freezing temperatures in perhaps two to five years give or take.
Necessary balancing will be taking place with an exacerbation of activity of the ring of fire. The ring of fire simply put, is comprised see of the edges of a massive tectonic plate, like all others that is shifting and moving all the time. Sometimes when the movement happens, movement and unsuspecting place is may occur. When the energy of an earthquake is released, its’s energy first makes a fast and intense release then the shaking begins. The energy barrels outward, and ultimately releases at a point. We called these percussion quakes because they do not follow the normal fault line. Also, a note some of the smaller yet undiscovered fault lines will become more important beyond belief because it is the little fault lines that will instigate the more massive events. They will become either active or they will activate. This is where some of the surprises come with unexpected earthquakes in unusual places. They can trigger the larger fault lines and even volcanic activity. You are currently witnessing the beginning of a large shift upon the Earth so that it can the tectonic plates begin to move upon the surfaces of the earth they have the potential of being causal to the impetus of a earthquakes.
Typically speaking, we are not usually as specific about upcoming events. In fact, usually we avoid this greatly. This is because everything is in a state of motion, evolution change, and so on. Nothing is set in stone. Giving the exact day or moment is nearly impossible because of the constancy of everything in a state of change. Because of the heightened amount of activity that is currently happening on your Earth, we are given that it will be beneficial to share this information.
Humanity tends to build where disasters have already occurred. We are given that they are inherently drawn due to cellular memory, but not your typical type. This is inherited. Memory in the programming of the DNA as well as Epigenetics, what was previously learned draws people toward these sites by nature. There is not likely actual memory of events, this far into the future for these souls. The point being that most events are not one offs.
They will repeat at some point in time whether it’s your lifetime or someone else’s. To live upon the Earth or any other planet, requires awareness and preparedness. Know the areas where you live get to know the rhythms and the patterns the nuances. Those subtle things are often far more important than the actual events. This is because of what comes after. Readiness can include simple awareness but also having what you need in the invent that something were to occur And we mean this everywhere not simply what we will be stating below.
More often than not life and all that means anything can change in an instant. Sometimes due to lack of preparation. Not knowing where to go, not having a plan b or c in case the obvious plans fail. What to do? What you need? Why not tuck those things in a corner somewhere so that if and when a moment comes where you are, you don’t have to think about it. This is not to say the entire world will be shaking, but as you have been experiencing, events are occurring, they are changing normal locales and they are intensifying. and they tend to bounce off of each other. One thing occurs something else happens. One example is if there is no rain there may be fires. This type of event is unfortunately, in the forefront for many people at this time.
Further current upcoming possibilities include a potential setting off of the Cascadia fault line which runs from lower British Columbia all the way down to Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. It is overdue close to 50 years from its normal pattern. Three small fault lines likely to the south will shake and instigate the large fault to take off. Not only does this happen with the Cascadia, it is also similarly likely to occur in an area of the San Andreas fault. Of course not necessarily at the same time, but the possibility of what we described has been gaining significant percentages. These two are subduction zones. Where a massive mega thrust tectonic plate is pushing up from moving under the adjacent tectonic plate. It is currently more likely they will occur separately from each other but the processes will remain similar. Ultimately, the Baja Peninsula will break apart from the mainland and slide north, becoming a long narrow island.
The Cascadia fault system is comprised of 4 segments. What we are currently suggesting is that from the south looking northward, it will be the third segment of the fault system. Secondly, a different scenario indicates that the number two and three will be involved. It appears that the bottom east side will turn slightly inward and when that happens segments to the north will shake. This is a volatile area historically following a specific predictable pattern of shaking.
Recently there was an earthquake quite near the end of the Cascadia fault. Fortunately, it did not cause this issue. But it’s a possibility that others will in the future.
The other larger issue that will occur, although we don’t have a time yet, a smaller fault line will trigger the San Andreas Fault in potentially in 7 years, 3 months. Ultimately and not tomorrow or next week, the Baja Peninsula will break off and slide to a position parallel to the current California as it is now or similar. The thing to realize is that all of these things are connected and respondent to the Earth’s movements. And other activity, the weather, wind patterns, fires, the magnetics, gravitational distortion are in sync with each other in some way so that when one event occurs, ultimately the earth will catch up with itself, and other events will occur in order for balance to sustain. The key is don’t take this personally. The Earth has been doing this since its inception far before humanity evolved. It doesn’t care, for instance, that humanity chooses to live in areas that have previously been disturbed or destroyed in the past and may occur again. The areas of the earth that evolved to move depending upon certain circumstances can change the entire balance of the earth on its axis.
Benefits of the things we are and will be speaking about earth moving water tables Also change position or amounts. More or less ground or producing food and to sustain all beings, enhanced magnetics can contribute to heightening of awareness and abilities of consciousness among humans and animals. Sometimes it is simply a cleansing population. Numbers may change or grow. The possibilities may escalate or diminish because the Earth is responsive. It reacts to overuse. Conversely, it also reacts to being cared for. Considering what can or might be, perhaps consider from the perspective that you are stewards, caretakers of your planet. It’s all about .giving back what is taken or used as well as planning how to provide more for the future.
Much of what we’re saying is already known yet we are putting it into context, and perhaps speaking here will carry through creation. The whole picture so to speak. The intense energies will create different lines and avenues of thought and therefore high potential for activity. Likely the most important thing that we will say to you in this now is that you can change things.
Seasons will become different where there is less winter in some places and far greater amounts in others. This means more or less precipitation, depending upon where you are and also length of time that it will be cold or conversely, quite warm.
The east side of New Zealand, particularly in the Christchurch area may experience some of the rebalancing in the form of earthquake activity. Fault lines that have not previously been known or are not usually particularly active or waking up. They didn’t come out of nowhere they’ve been slumbering until which time their efforts are quiet so we’re going to see events in places that are quite surprising. And contributive to that, earthquakes happening where there is no apparent fault line. They may be in the middle of an area between two points where earthquakes have occurred or across the land from a separate event. We call these percussion quakes because as the resonance moves away from the source, that vibration of the event rings the land like a bell and gains energy as it moves away from it source your Nicola Tesla was working on such awareness, and when it comes to its end point it must release and so that could be pretty much anywhere.
In the near future, it appears that there is going to be a large quake in the area between Alaska and Russia perhaps a bit closer to Alaska than to Russia. This will be a large earthquake 6.8 – 7.0 range. Where there was a Bering Strait was. In this now the time frame appears to be 3 years, eight months from your current now.t
Areas of central, and South America will be having inland quakes in areas that have historically occurred but have not occurred in most of your lifetimes. Puerto Rico, England, China, Philippines, the Pacific Northwest including Lower western BC, WA, OR and CA in addition to two volcanic events inland, with potential for the main axial vent off the coast of OR erupting within about 8 months. This is an ancient line of vents that the earth calls upon for releasing energetic build up. We have spoken of the underwater volcano multiple times over the years.
There is potential for an extremely large quake in the northern area of Japan and another on the lower east coast of the African continent. The African event may be more secondary than a related source event.
The Pacific coastal areas, areas of northern Peru, Arequipa and potentially the Nazca area plus most of Chile. Also show high potential in the near future. This is a balancing remember this. We are speaking of these more as a group since geologically they are relative to each other. The south of Peru. North of Nazca and slightly southward appears to be primed for a release in the near future. It is possible that as early as about 7 months late up to 2 years and seven months.
Mexico city, particularly in the area of the Basilica may also have a strong shaking within 18-36 months.
It’s important to realize just how connected everything is. We realize we are repeating what we said moments ago. All of these are not guaranteed but they are high possibility in the current now.
There are three major fall lines north and west of Tibet and also near Qinghai Lake or Ch'inghai Lake, also known as Lake Koko Nor, is the largest lake in China is located in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau. Her potential in the near future of an earthquake minimum 8.6 on the current scales. There will be a secondary event to the southwest of Tibet.
Each of these has a potential for extremely large electromagnetic emissions that can intensify weather patterns in an extreme manner for a while.
Lower central including Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, the panhandle of Florida then north into Georgia, North and South Carolinas and eastern Tennessee will have more than the normal amount of severe storms. We are not speaking of hurricanes in this information.
North eastern North America is set up for extreme amounts of rain perhaps in about 15 months enough to cause mudslides. Much of southern California will experience an exacerbated amount of rains due to the scouring of the land from recent fires. The destruction by heavy rains will occur in many places, not only fire areas. Particularly it appears that Germany, France and Spain will have flooding issues.
The hurricane season will continue to escalate for the next few years. You will witness unusual storm paths. Also, two cases of extreme escalation as storms get their footing. This will be caused by particularly warm ocean waters.
For now we are complete. We will arrive again and assist you with information when given. We remind you that you are whole and perfect just as you are. You need not be anything other than the true you for anyone. You are beautiful. We wish you peace upon your earth and among people. Say yes. Be intolerant of those who’s apparent needs require you to be anything different. Most of all, remember to shine brightly. As you do it is contagious. Wear your perfection with wisdom.
You are loved beyond measure.
And so it is that we return to light.
Antalehe ansui ansi asitu anshallah entialla
End of messages.
***Please note that all of the Messages from the Masters as well as other writings are accessible (over 1,000 documents) at The Master’s Archives For a small donation you can have unlimited access to the messages as well as other messages that came through over the years from other beings of light. This a labor of love! First transcribing it all then creating the database. This was a huge project that took over a decade. It’s my life’s work and now if you choose you can have complete access to it. I am thrilled to be able to offer the archives to you as a searchable database with all their prophesies and insights.
Also, the Online messages a true labor of love. If you find them to be helpful, timely, everything beautiful as they intend, donations are greatly accepted. Thank you so much!
Dr. Meg (coming soon) (coming soon)