A Cosmic Rambling to Everywhere (Please note this is a very long newsletter between the Masters and me playing catch up with you. I believe this one sets a record at 20 pages. It took me a week to get it all written LOL! Grab a hot cup of tea or a cup of coffee and enjoy at your leisure. Be sure to not miss the Master’s messages particularly after their explanations about what is happening in Creation, they have given their prophesies for the coming year in more detail than ever before. The full messages can be read at http://www.spiritlite.com/messages.php And also my annual Buy One Get One FREE Session special is happening! See options below the newsletters or go directly to spiritlite.com/sessions.php. My web store has lots of new items that will make awesome gifts this year. I have finally gotten around to including some pretty special stuff that I had tucked away! Happy Holidays from my heart to yours! Greetings to each of you! (OMG DR. MEG???? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?????) LOL great question. I’m so excited I just can’t hide it I’m about to lose control and I like it! (Thank you, Pointer sisters!) For the past several years I have prayed to have time to grow more fully as a being of Light, to behold what Creation had not yet brought to my attention, to not learn but further be who I am. You know when someone like me brings new thoughts into the world, changes paradigms, teaches, helps, heals, loves, counsels, receives back the love she brings, well a person can get caught up in the demand of sharing those things again and again and pretty soon (I Imagine singers experience this deeply) you are repeating yourself again and again and because of the demands for what you have to say, there is not enough time to be still and listen for what else might be waiting to come. I have to admit as significant as what I have brought to you is, I was beginning to feel a bit stale. After all, curiosity brings alive what is not yet known and breathes life into new experiences. We cannot conceive of anything unless we are aware it is possible. So, I began to pray for the opportunity to grow more. Sometimes when we message Creation what comes doesn’t look like what we thought it would be but instead, Creation takes a different approach in what it delivers to us. My prayers have been answered in ways that I have yet to find words to share. As I go through yet another growth process, I choose to remain present and available for what comes. I am listening, watching, realizing, becoming, what? It doesn’t matter. That takes me away from the general public for a while, but you know what? So be it. Because from previous experiences I know that what I am doing is in divine order and that once I get a grip on what is really going on as always, I will share it with you! Most of you who know me know how sacred I hold what has come, and that in any given moment more will come that helps everything else make sense. And that when I go through these growth spurts, I start sharing ASAP with all of you. I combine science with the metaphysical perspective because it is all relative and what science doesn’t yet realize is that all science is the study of the divine art of reality. Right. I did just say that. All reality is divine even when it doesn’t feel that way. Why? I am getting there. Keep reading. In the meantime, I can give you some mind blowing information that is not only new to humanity, it is some of the most effective and functional information I have ever received. In fact, it is downright miraculous! It is always a process, right? I mean really. We never stop learning, evolving, growing or staling ourselves from perceived pain that we don’t know how to let go of. We continue as children of Creation, God, our Source, whatever you want to call our divine origin, to have the ability to reach beyond the mundane and into the infinite possibilities available to us. The key is there is always more available! I can give you a few ideas about what has gelled in my comprehension as well as what is coming, what is happening, and what is to come. It is all the same. But is it? In addition to the Masters whom I have brought forth to you for more than two decades, I have new ones have joined us. They even have different vocabulary and their tones are clearly recognizable so as you read their words within this newsletter, you may recognize when the different ones start to speak. This entire writing is literally a result of the efforts of not only me, but the common consciousness of the Masters you are familiar with and beautifully peppered with the new ones who have joined us. What? You ask? Doesn’t it get crowded in your head? LOL Absolutely not! As I always say, bring them on! They are quite loving and kind about helping me keep the balance of them, me and us. It is common for new Masters to show up once a certain series of learning as occurred and more advanced information is available. Brilliant, patient beings who take me to places unimaginable so that I can watch and learn without ever a word being spoken. They are so advanced that I am in a continual state of awe. We no longer communicate telepathically or in words, instead, we are transferring energy as information. Imagine the purity of clear energy transmitting complete bodies of work in an instant! It isn’t mental leaning, it is like receiving software updates to consciousness. And I am loving it! In 2012, we experienced a reset at the moment of the planetary alignment. I wrote about this at length before, during and after the event. Explained it all. Litle did I know what I was saying would lead to. That is the power of presence. Being ok about the natural unfolding of things. Even something as huge as that event was. Now that the reset has had time to settle in, things “out there” are changing rapidly. Our entire make up is revealing parts that none of us ever even considered. Our make-up has parts I never realized as deeply as I have explained how we are put together, our source and more, revelations have begun to come that are causing a realization that wow, we are SO much more than that! And with those realizations, the power of healing has exponentially expanded. Within about the past year and a half or so, most of the “veils” that kept us from seeing the Before Times as I call it, when others inhabited our beautiful Earth, multidimensionality was common practice, and healing was done with frequencies, vibration, sound and light, have fallen. Originally when our souls traversed realities we can now only imagine, and there was no such thing as limitation of any kind regarding the possibilities of what may come, we knew we were unlimited begins but along the way we completely forgot that we knew what Creation said all of the time. To us. Within us. Around us. We evolved away from our infinite awareness to a state where we became mentally dependent, believing that we were imperfect because we were told that we are. Essentially, we lost our perfect way. Or should I say our awareness of it. For every mental thought we have fires energy of an electrical nature which then closed the door to our infinite awareness. We became fallible beings as our perceptions took us in directions that caused us to dull to our infinite nature. Later, the concept of reality outside of that which is immeasurable became some woo woo idealistic way considered to be outside of the norm of everyday life that often required a wardrobe of flowy robes, idealistic thinking, and a true search for why we felt so broken. We really did our best, but we truly didn’t yet get it. But that was when we began to message our common consciousness. What we share naturally and outside of our 3D world, everything we do, and experience is communicated into a body of awareness and knowledge that we keep adding and adding to until we reach a critical point when something or many things become common in our thoughts and awareness. Early on in our awakening to greater being, we literally just created another box to put ourselves in that felt good because we made it. But what we did was simply redefine ourselves without a core depth of realization. We thought we were broken and that we needed to heal. Well we aren’t. And we don’t. With the opening of creation as the veils have fallen, our consciousness is no longer limited in its abilities. Of course, never really was, but we were simply not given to realize the true vastness that is our awareness and what we can do with it. I am learning not only what is possible, but what comes with infinite possibilities that are truly available to us. For instance, I was humbly awed recently as I was taken back to our Beginning (there have been many before us) to that familiar place the Masters took me to early on, and together we watched the creation of reality as light began to take form. We sat together at that point to observe the moment that the light was dispersed from the heart of a mass of nothingness, morphing into ultimate reality of all kinds. As our witnessing continued, I was shown something I had never seen before. The formation of our souls. Just before the light began to take geometric form from which all sacred geometry is born, left by the Ancients as a road map to who we are, where we came from and how we are all connected, fed, nurtured, loved unconditionally by the very source from which we came, in those moments our souls were born. We began in the primordial light field, where as the light began to organize even sooner than I had realized, Living Light symbols flashed as the light came together and the symbols folded and were encompassed into four sided pyramids, the first unique manifestation of conscious being was born creating a unique identity for every soul. When its formation completed the new soul had a unique identity that could never be taken away. It is there where the information in all of the frequencies that become the soul organized and become each of our identities that travel forever in time. In those early moments our names written in the Living Light and became our souls. Before we were even structured reality, we had an identity written in Light indelibly and forever. As each soul became, it began to gather rememberings that became a sort of a book of knowledge carried by each unique soul that is a significant part of both our literal and sacred being. As the sacred rite of the Living Light is performed, the coding isn’t changed. Simply put, the errors we create in our system as we live our lifetimes can interfere with Truth of who we are or even blind us to our ways home. The Living Light prepares us for when our name is called be prepared to answer the call of the Father, Creation, God, Spirit, whatever your beliefs, to not only claim but to embody all that is One. For those who give themselves the freedom to access that most sacred part of themselves the Living Light will undulate before them, living bodies of infinite knowledge unique to the experiencer alone. When that experience occurs, and we accept it, our names are written in the book of Names of the Father. I sat in awe as the realization of what I was seeing came to me. For years I have been honored to share the Living Light Initiation with many of you. The most sacred rite that I know to share with another soul to reconnect it to its origin so that never would never lose the way Home. But it is so much more than that. Creating a hologram of Living Light symbols literally redefines the original coding of light that became a soul so that never, ever will it forget its way home. That book is our creator’s record of those who have heard the call and answered YES. I AM that. Perfection, Light, An Infinite Being. And I choose to walk my being in this world this now in all of my perfect glory seeding consciousness awakening in every place and with every person we encounter. Once we answer the call, we are contagious. By virtue of our very being we are working as the hands of God, our creator, all that is, delivering the most powerful message of all. We are all that. We are infinite in scope and ability and when we embrace unconditionally that which we are, we walk in the same shoes as avatars before us. We can witness across time, dimensions, all levels of reality and with that, create from a far vaster perspective and possibilities than ever before. For instance, ~ How is it that events from our past lives affect us in this now? We kind of always have known that they can or might, but we had no idea of how or why. I now know. Imagine that in every moment of our journey as a soul, each moment has been recorded. And that moment is remembered by our greater being. And what if some of those moments held great beauty or horrific trauma? How can that change our today experience if all of that is communicating to us all of the time? Easy. It is very much like a leaky faucet. Information in the form of energy is leaking like a hot wind, riding our timeline to this now causing errors in the messaging that we normally would receive by Creation. As it does, we may become sick, or our lives might be difficult because mixed information is being dispersed as literal parts of us. From those recorded moments into our now and our now becomes that reality. We can stop the flow of previous experiences from causing issues in our now by turning off the faucet without ever affecting that life experiences we have had and what they have to contribute to our infinite journey. Never must we change the past of a soul it is not ours to do. But damage to our timeline, our soul’s litany of lives can be repaired so that we are no longer being touched by issues from the past that carry painful messages or events into our current now. Instead, once those errors are repaired, our souls can experience real truth in our every now. No longer effected by messages we were not supposed to be receiving. No, we don’t ever erase our history we simply do maintenance on our pipes. For decades we have talked about all things being simultaneous, past present and future. But to have a clear understanding about how that is? Our human brains can barely conceive of such an idea. Recently, while in the midst of teaching a class, the Masters popped in and explained the One Time. How truly all things past present and future are right now, and that this is why it is so important that we remain present. The cues we are given in every given moment don’t only come from now. They are reminders of what our soul has experienced in its journeys, and what may come if only we are open to witness the road map we are given each day. The signs can be so small, a sign in a truck, a dragonfly, something spectacular. Pretty much anything and everything around us is a sign for a direction we might choose. But will we? Remember that we can chose? And if remembered, will we choose or go ignorantly upon our ways? When we are literally existing in the midst of everything that has been and what will be, we are unlimited as to what is possible for us to create, to do, to be, to remember. Imagine the power of having all that is at our disposal every moment that we exist. One Time. Now. Wow. And what is it and how is it that we not only need to be present, but in our heart space to access our greater reality as l call it? Well I finally have a realization of that. Around 2012 an amazing new ability came to me. When I sent my consciousness up into creation, a double helix came down, slowly spiraling, slower as t began to reach me. Then, as it did, the spiral connected into my crown. It was perhaps one of the most powerful energetic experiences I had ever had up to that moment. Literally I knew that I was embodying Creation. The feeling was so powerful so massive it was difficult to hold in my little human body, but I learned. While I am connected to that place, when I touch anyone with that energy everything immediately changes for them. Everyone was calling it “isness”. That seemed appropriate until lately. For many years as I have worked through the etheric systems of thousands (literally) of people, I have been struck at the beauty and the intricacy of how we are put together and how we are affected by our experiences. And that there is a place within our beautiful construct that is literally a bridge between our human being and our infinite divine nature. There, we have two bodies that are like pontoons on a boat, maintaining our balance with all that is divine and our human nature. Harmonically this area of our system is extremely complex as it manages our past present and future lives and their communications within the One. Recently I was shown that our bridge between here and our divine nature is actually the same double helix that was connecting into my crown. The feet of the double helix are connected one into each of our causal bodies, our infinite bridge with Creation. They have positive and negative polarities. One brings us the infinite possibilities that Creation has to offer to us and the other messages creation what we are experiencing so that Creation can then bring us what we need, want, desire, anything at all. Intentionally connecting to our double helix takes us into isness where with practice we can literally call down the double helix into our crown and anchor it in our heart and from there, in human form we can essentially act as our Creator to call I what is needed for whomever we touch. Talk about mind blowing. I had no idea what was going on until recently. I suspected, but as many of you know I don’t need to know so I never ask I let things unfold naturally because they are far deeper and more immense when I keep my lying brain out of the way. Taking this a step further, our connection with Creation is in the same form as our DNA. As we became hard reality, our connection with creation became our physical encoding as beings of light in the form of our DNA. Literally, Creation replicated within us with millions of strands of DNA that carry that same information into us physically. And the more widely we allow our consciousness to travel the brighter the light fields of our divine connection and therefore our DNA, our bodies, physically mirrors creation with us. All of it relative, right now and no matter what we do, what we choose, what we evolve into as human beings we never ever, ever lose our encoding of perfection, information that we are and can only be infinite beings indelibly connected to creation and that form is duplicated within our physical being. And when we intentionally connect into isness we can use our physical form to help ourselves and others. And what if I told you that we can change our coding toward greater reality? By simple intention We have the ability to dictate the journey of our souls by recognizing that we have that connection and it listens to us and our bridge informs creation of what we experience, what we want, what we need, and creation in turn goes to work creating outcomes from its infinite possibilities. Now let’s take that a step further. As we and creation are having our magnificent conversation, all others and all else are also informing creation at the same time. Infinite choreography in constant motion ever evolving and never once repeating anything. Ever. Imagine. I have been taken to look above the entirety and seen the beauty of what I describe. It is beyond magical and outright miraculous. Never resting, always responding all of the time. Are you still with me? Good. And in our infinite state of evolution once realized, we no longer need to react from our past but can respond intentionally, thoughtfully, with the knowing and faith that the reality we have just intended is already created and there will be a moment in time where our new reality and we intersect. We are simply in the process of going there. A never-ending sequence of destinations created by us, supported by all that is and fueled by our hearts, by L.O.V.E. Letting Ourselves Vibrantly Evolve Imagine. And from there, when we organize our reality, we have affected and touched all things in the evolution of Creation. Now that is personal power! No longer do we need to live by the possibility that we are not being heard. We cannot not be heard. We are hard wired into the Matrix of One, integral beings contributive and receptive with the whole. Holy Cow. And as we touch the infinite with every energy that we expend, and creation responds, all things also respond by creating evolution in turn. What an amazing dance we share with the greatest partner of all. We. Us. One. And as we evolve, we ever change and as we change so does everything else. And in all of this majestic being we are supported, nurtured, fed, regenerated, cleansed, healed, purified, sanctified continually without pause or hesitation. It is only what we do in our minds that belies the truth of our very nature and its unlimited possibilities. Our minds mislead us as they try to comprehend that which is immeasurable. And our egos cheer us on, telling us we are everything and nothing and everything in between. To be afraid or to forge ahead, whatever our minds have made true our egos will agree. What is true is that nothing is limited, and everything is continually becoming, well, more. Greater, fuller, more brilliant in its light. Yet we talk ourselves into believing that we are separate from the whole. I am here to tell you that is impossible. I have seen how it works and I am so excited by recent revelations that I am often dumbstruck at the beauty of One. One being. One Heart. One Us in tandem with all else. One tiny spark of light that became infinite being. Being One. And the healing work. OMG well all I can say is that I really thought I realized our totality in form and function, but the truth is that I barely knew anything. Ok well that isn’t exactly true, but compared to what I am being shown now, well I was in cosmic preschool and have suddenly leaped back to cosmic grad school and I am so excited at what is revealing well, I just had to stop for a short time (of which there is none LOL) and write to you. At the same time, I must take care to not too closely define anything or it is no longer truth. Truth is infinite in its own right. Once defined by a thought, a word, even a breath or a gesture that truth is no longer pure, having been pinned down by the need to know and therefore the knowing becomes untrue. So I am careful not to make what is purely true something else. Am I talking in circles? Not at all. If we are in a constant state of evolution and every action anywhere in the whole commands a reaction, then how can we take anything and define it by our need to know so that it is no longer allowed to be part of our evolution? Instead, to be had and held the truth no longer resonates in its original state so therefore cannot be, well anything except our fear. Our fear of not knowing doing its best to figure things out and therefore leading us outside of truth. Instead of needing to know to feel safe somehow, accepting the realization that the evolution is us and Creation choregraphed into the most incredibly magnificent dance are truly One then our unfolding becomes a graceful mirror of us as sacred light manifested with grace and ease, carrying no tension to interfere with our part of the dance because we do not need to anticipate what might or could be. Yep, it is what it is no matter how we see it. What we do with what we see has everything to do with the direction of our evolution. How we experience it all depends upon what direction our view is coming from. What was? What is? What is possible? And what we choose becomes our reality. And how we choose to maintain those beliefs or expand them to a greater, infinite horizon with everything that awaits us? If only we choose to say “Yes. Please! I want more perfection!” No need to worry about it, Creation has our back. What a team! I will continue to move through this growth until and if the time comes when I am told take it to the people. Honestly, what an honor and yet, I am no different than you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of you who read my books, take my classes, read my articles, archives and everything else that I have contributed over the years. I take these projects very personally maintaining the integrity of Truth the best that I can and still find words to share it all. Quite a balancing act at times! So stay tuned. You never know when I will rise up and speak to you again. In the meantime, I am currently taking reservations for year 9 of my Touching the Light Healing Certification courses. I am definitely already set for level 2 this year and would love to fill up another level one class. If you would love to learn what I am telling you here and far more, please join me for class. 6 two-day weekends and your participation will bring you full certification as a Touching the Light Practitioner. This is a well-known brand with an impeccable reputation. I will love sharing the infinite with you! This year was a bit difficult as many signed up wanting to learn the information but not do the healing. So, in the vein of constant evolution, if you would like to learn with me but not do the healing, I have a very special idea for you. Over the past 8 years in class as well as the past 25 years doing all of this, I have built a huge body of knowledge. Most of it is recorded or transcribed. So if you would like to learn more about you, Creation, the infinite bond between you and Creation, how to work within the One, what it all really means to your life and the lives of others, amazing life skills, how to move past the obstacles and fears that keep you stuck with the sense that you aren’t moving forward (you really are. Being stuck is evolution as well!) and so many other things there isn’t room to write, and do it at your own speed with a full year of access to my work, to learn at your own pace, I have come up with a phenomenal plan for you to do that and not have to travel to learn or even do the healing if you don’t feel moved to do so. At a greatly reduced tuition, my body of work is now available to you! For more information please go to http://www.touchingthelight.org The healing certification class info is there as well. This is a self-study program at your own pace and as I said, full access to my level one body of Touching the Light work as well as full access to the Master’s archives which are searchable. There are over 1000 documents there which include our channelings, healings readings in some cases (all sessions have been anonymized and catalogued in the same vein that Edgar Cayce’s work is) as well as other writings I have done that are segments from temporary guides earlier on. They are pretty amazing in their own right and you never have seen them publicly. I would prefer that if you do not wish to do the healing work that you study with me this way so that I can focus on the healing for those who really want to do it. There won’t be classes. If questions come up and you need help with a concept or have other questions, I will personally answer them for you. There are links to sign up right on the web site's progam's information pages. This is nota certification course. It is more of a life changing experience that you can do at your own speed. Take time to process, consider, assimilate then move on to the next and the next and the next! You can register right from the web pages for any of my class offerings. Once again, I offer you my annual BOGO sessions sale. You can find the details at spiritlite.com/sessions.php. I have streamlined the sale process so that the earlier scheduling issues we had are all smoothed out. I said I wasn’t going to do this anymore, but this past year went so smoothly I decided to keep showing you my gratitude and do it again. I am currently booking in early April already since the sale has been on all of November. Don’t wait if you can help it, we book first come first served. I book up extremely fast when the BOGO is on. This will expire at midnight Christmas Night. Details and terms are listed with each session offering below. I have been super busy between the new growth process I am moving through as well as winding down this year’s sessions and classes that I had not had time for the newsletter until now. This is your chance to save a lot and share if you want. The sessions make fantastic gifts. If you do want to gift someone, please let me know and I can send a gorgeous gift certificate to you via email. It is my honor to do this for you each year as you honor me. Also, I have added a huge number of new items in my web shop most of which will make great holiday gifts for you or someone you love. Be sure to check it out! Many items are from my personal collection and priced at wholesale. I have a new category called Treasures from Around the World, which are pieces of some of the places I have been. If you are a fan of working with crystals I have some gorgeous ones! Feel free to check it out! I will priority mail orders where possible (excluding over large boxes or odd shaped packages) during the holidays within the continental US! My web store is located at http://www.spirilite.com/store.php ; I am grateful to each of you always whether or not I am writing to you. You are always in my heart. I wish you laughter in your days, Joy in your hearts and love in everything that you do. Be in peace. Meg Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. spiritlite.com touchingthelight.org