
Healing within the holographic reality As it was in the Beginning, we, as beings are created of light. That light has taken on various manifestations on all levels of the holographic reality. This means that we operate not only here in this reality, that of the third dimension, but in all dimensions simultaneously.  

Within our multi-dimensional existence, we have other bodies that are related to this existence. Meg is able to see and work with twelve of those bodies so far… These bodies are affected by our experiences by blockages within this or our other dimensional bodies or in our etheric space as we occupy our important place within the Universe. Meg works with removing past life influences, trauma, emotional issues, physical ailments and pain and many other examples of dysfunction on every level. She is also able to gather fragmentations that have occurred by trauma or other experience in this or past life situations.  

Whenever the holographic bodies are affected, we ultimately become symptomatic within this existence, often, for instance, by exhibiting physical symptoms that are not usually identifiable by the usual modern medical testing, or other less tangible manifestations such as recurring situations, emotional ups and downs that seem unexplainable as well as fluctuations in our energy throughout the day.  

As we are affected, we gather energetic anomalies, attachments and irregularities of energetic patterning as well as holographic influences that affect us in the here and now. 

Touching the Light

Meg is able to work within that holographic reality, clearing and removing anomalies and rebalancing the energetics of each reality. In doing so, Meg can work within the actual Universal construct, from the basis of light, commanding the manifestation of healthfulness and normalization of afflictions on every level of body, mind, spirit, soul, emotionality and mental processes as well.

Within those realities, as you can see in Meg’s art work, the Healing Chamber, many beings come in and assist the healing process. These are generally high dimensional Masters and Beings who being skills of the Beginning.

This healing process may be performed both In person or long distance. Since linear miles have no meaning within the holographic reality. 

Results range from subtle changes to the dramatic, depending upon the cooperation of each client and their desire to change that for which they have asked for assistance. This work is of the heart, and connected with the Oneness of our existence with all things.

Healing sessions

You, or the person Dr. Meg is working with, is being addressed holistically, past present and future in what she refers to as “One Time”. At the same time, she will be working with every aspect of you across all dimensions and outside of space and time. In doing so, she is able to access  parts of you that may be affecting your current lifetime. These can be found and the flow of dysfunctional information can be turned off. This does not limit or change the journeys that your soul has had. Instead, it enhances the totality of you in all places of reality. This type of healing is unlimited in scope and generally infinitely effective.

As we access layers and layers of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects your entire etheric anatomy, we find and change dysfunctions that while not measurable on the earth plane, have everything to do with how you feel, and even how your life is going for you.

Healing has many forms and faces and may be applied to life situations, self awareness, positive change and or physical issues. The technique that Dr. Meg uses (Touching the Light) has infinite possibilities available to her that will reveal as she moves through your system assessing it for excellence of functioning and well being. Healing isn’t just about something that hurts or illness. In this perspective, every aspect of your being is repaired if needed, attuned, calibrated, unified and all other possibilities that each individual may need.

Results are entirely dependent upon your acceptance, openness and willingness to accept what you have requested. After all, it is your being! It is not our place to choose what is best for you, only to serve by assisting you toward the greatest possible life. In doing so, physical issues can also be addressed. When they are, physical healing is also likely.


These sessions are about an hour in duration and are based upon information that you will provide as well as intuitive information given to Dr. Meg during the session. Please send your list of concerns and healing requests at least one week prior to out session. If you are in the USA, Dr. Meg will phone after the session and send a transcript to you via e-mail. If you are international, Dr. Meg will send a detailed transcript of your session via email

Fees for healing sessions are $400.00 U.S. and can be paid online at this web site or by personal check or money order. Payment must be received prior to the session. Checks may be mailed to me at:

Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
29830 S. Pine Springs Rd.
Cheney, WA 99004

If this is something that you would like to do, let me know and I will be happy to set up a session with you!

Absolutely no refunds
Gratitude sale appointments will begin in March.

Again, thank you for your inquiry! All Blessings,


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