Dissonance is more than lack of resonance. It is lack of honest awareness that inner balance has gone awry.
Neither Abstinence nor Indulgence are a way to balance. Balance is fullness of Now with no polarity. It just is.
Things don't just happen. For every action there is a reaction. We have to do our part toward the intended outcome.
And if being is living, and living is a state of consciousness, then being consciously alive is simple.
It is easier to go with the flow and allow things to unfold than to restrict your experience via expectations.
It is that there is no other who can give to you your journeys. It is you for whom you wait!
Our inside and outside is like night and day. In the light we can see everything, but in the darkness all possibilities reside
Each of us is a mirror to the other. What bothers us is something we haven't admitted to ourselves.
Ease and Grace come only with willingness and participation in one's own state of being. No one else can give us that.
Peace requires broader perceptions in order for the infinite possibilities available to override the need to fight.
When you create from anything outside of yourself you become a victim of our own creative process.
Innocence is not ignorance; it is about seeing clearly and purely with the eyes of the heart.
Our past experiences can be our greatest asset or our worst nightmare. It is our choice.
That we are infinite beings, perfect in every way is unquestionable; that we seem to need to find fault with ourselves is
If you want a relationship of any depth, you must first be willing to let go of what was so that there is room for what can be
In our seriousness we are so rumpled up that the smiles can't move. Let go and laugh out loud
Be still and listen inwardly for there is our core truth. What we hear externally seeks to convince us otherwise
True greatness comes not from the opinions of others, it comes from the courage to be or do whatever a moment requires
Winning the race isn't as important as how well you pace yourself so that you know the way to the finish line
What is really amazing is that we have the capability to be amazed! With that, life is always new and exciting!
Who you are is determined through your experiences; how you are is determined by how you choose to interpret them
Sometimes when we are caught in the illusion, the greatest destructive forces are hidden in the most joyous of experiences
The best of being comes from our being our best at being not from waiting for someone else to tell us how to be
Normal is a perception which is part of our every day illusion. Beyond that are infinite journeys outside of the box
Miracles are those events which we believe to be impossible. Believe in their possibility and they become commonplace
You do not have to give yourself permission to be who you are. You must simply accept that you are.
Abundance is value. If we don't give ourselves the value we deserve, neither do we give ourselves the abundance we so desire
If you could change your life from this moment forward to be anything that you desire, what would be different from now?
Infinite possibilities await you today and the only thing you need to take advantage of them is to notice
To become everything which you seek is to live the very essence of that which you sought to find.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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