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Renato Longato
Renato Longato
Show Date: January 19th, 2011

Renato Longato

Renato Longato currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He was born in Lima, Peru and studied Sociology, Law and Political Science at the University Inca Garcilazo. Renato has researched the UFO phenomena since 1979 after his initial UFO experience. In 1990 Mr. Longato developed mystical-esoteric tourism for the Peruvian government. Mr. Longato has written two books in Spanish entitled Message from the Andes and Gods of the Past – Symbols in Inca Architecture and is currently working on his third book ( First in English ). In 2005 Renato coordinated a UFO phenomena conference with the Peruvian Air Force. He has presented conferences at: the World Bank in Washington D.C., The Masonic Temple in Peru, The Museum of History and Archeology in Lima, Peru;International UFO Congress; The Bay Area UFO Expo, CA; ECETI in WA. He has recently lectured in South America, the U.S. and Europe in both English and Spanish. Renato has been interviewed extensively throughout Peru, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Mexico.

Continuum Radio is on hiatus while Dr. Meg completes her new book.