Weston’s Story
As a parent it is one of my greatest pleasures to see my children grow up and be able to tackle life’s milestones. I have watched Randal get his driver’s license, graduate high school, and now attend college. Though Weston will most likely never drive a car, we are still able to appreciate it when he has achieved his own unique milestones.
Things have been pretty quiet around the house. I know Weston has been working a lot by the way he is acting. What I have noticed is that even though he is working in other universes, he has not picked up any residual “watchers” along the way. If you remember, these are beings from other universes who somehow follow Weston home from time to time and cause a lot of disharmony in his room. It was not uncommon for me to call Carmen at least once a month to ask her to check Weston’s room because I could tell there was something under the bed, in the closet, at his window, or in their favorite spot — the bathtub! Thankfully, only Weston could see these beings, but Don and I never had any difficulty understanding him when he would run into our bedroom in a panic absolutely terrified. Over the years I have gotten better at recognizing the first signs of these unwanted beings. It has been more than six months since one of these watchers has bothered him even though I am certain he has not curtailed his nighttime astral traveling. I like to think that Weston has learned that these beings cannot hurt him and are only curious about him. I am just as proud of his achievement of this milestone as I was the day Randal got his license (and his way of traveling won’t cause my insurance rates to go up!).
Message from Weston
“Voiced” by Meg Lupin
(Weston insisted that this message go out on the 21st.)
Today is a turning point of energy. Access is becoming even greater to healing forces and clearing energies. Be prepared to use your tools to assist in staying in a positive neutral space, even though the outside world is showing signs of stress.
I would like to suggest that you access to your heart so you can stay in neutral and operate from a loving, compassionate, and non-judgmental space. The world needs your openness to accept everyone as your brother and sister. The peace you will feel when you accept everyone truly as one, will be worth the work you are doing. Keep moving forward so you will be truly able to serve your neighbor.