Weston's Story
Weston had an appointment last week with his naturopath, Dr. Abell. I always look forward to our appointments as I love to see Weston interact with Dr. Abell. It is even more fun now that he can finally hear Weston telepathically, though this is still new to him. When Dr. Abell asked me what Weston needed from him, I had more fun than I probably should have when I said, “I don’t know, why don’t you ask him yourself.” I had to laugh when the first thing out of Weston’s mouth was to ask Dr. Abell, “When are you going to work on our book?” Hah! Dr. Abell is still getting used to hearing a voice in his head that is not his own and that can be very pushy!
A few months ago during a visit with Dr. Abell, he noted that Weston was demonstrating an allergy to soy and gluten. I was loathed to hear the news as I know how difficult these allergies can be. I knew, however, that Weston was capable of many things. Dr. Abell feels that we all have the ability to heal ourselves and agreed that Weston was more in-tune to these possibilities than anyone he has ever known. At his visit last week I asked Dr. Abell if Weston was still showing signs of an allergy to soy or gluten. Dr. Abell confirmed that he was no longer showing signs of a soy allergy and that the gluten allergy was almost gone! Dr. Abell stated the usual recourse is to stay away from these substances indefinitely, but I had not changed Weston’s diet at all over the last few months. I relied solely on Weston’s ability to heal himself. Of course, I needed to ask Weston how he was able to clear these allergies. According to Weston….
I was not tuned in to those allergies so my body was using them to help me balance the amount of those substances I was getting by making me not feel great from those energetic substances. We eat our judgments but once we learn about these allergies, we can balance our body by our knowing. If we know we have an allergy, we can shift though intention and looking at what the allergy is telling us. Then it can clear.
Weston, is this something that we can all learn?
Weston also told Dr. Abell that he needed higher amounts of very specific essential fatty acids due to the work he was doing. According to Weston the reason for these specific supplements is…
It is very essential for me to have a higher amount of those fatty acids because they help to balance and ground me. They also make it easier to come back here to this planet.
Finally, Carmen called me last week to ask me how Weston was doing. I thought her question was odd as I was just thinking that I might call her to see if she could check in on him as I had just witnessed him curled up in his bed napping during the middle of the day. I had never seen him do this unless he was sick, and I knew he was not sick. She then told me that she had seen Weston earlier that day when she was in the dream state during an acupuncture session. Apparently, Weston popped into her subconscious and told her he wanted to show her something. Carmen is always happy to see her nephew and thrilled anytime there is a promise of him taking her on an adventure. She reported that he took her to a magnificent garden-like place where there were angels and other beautiful beings present. She said it was breathtaking, and she did not want to leave. Here is what Weston had to say about this place…
It is beautiful. I go there to get regenerated. It is like a medicine for the soul. It brings you back to perfect harmony. You really don’t want to leave. I go there often and take others with me. Right, Meg! Haha.
Message from Weston
“Voiced” by Meg Lupin
This message is a preparation for all that you will need to work on over the next week. Move forward with ease and let go of any attachments. Your neutrality will be your ally this week. Make sure you are protected when you go out in the world. Many people are letting go of things they don’t need so there are many energies looking for hosts. No thank you will suffice as a way to let go. It will be easier for you to let go than you think.
Know that you are an amazing being that is here right now to help the earth shift into a place of light. Let your light shine. Don’t get caught in emotional traps. That is all they are! Move through your days knowing that you are loved in the deepest of all ways, by the universe. Remember we all one, treat others with dignity and respect. They are all doing the best they can.
Look forward to the light,